- Author(s):
- Easterlin, R.A.
- Title:
- Life Satisfaction in the Transition from Socialism to Capitalism.
- Source:
- Clark, A.E.;Ed.:" Happiness and Economic Growth: Lessons from Developing Countries", Oxford Scholarship Online: 2015, 1 - 24
- Year:
- 2014
- Language:
- English (Australia, Canada, UK, USA)
Subject Classification
- Subjects
Eligible for inclusion in findings archive
- Eligible
Yes, included as study.
- Easterlin (2014a): study BY 1984
- Easterlin (2014a): study CN 1990
- Easterlin (2014a): study CN 1997
- Easterlin (2014a): study DE East Germany 1990
- Easterlin (2014a): study DE East Germany 1990 /1
- Easterlin (2014a): study HU 1982
- Easterlin (2014a): study RU 1988
- Easterlin (2014a): study SI 1999
- Easterlin (2014a): study ZZ Developing nations 1990