
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » WORK: ATTITUDES » Current attitudes to one's work » Current motivation to work » Reasons for working

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WORK: ATTITUDES Current attitudes to one's work Current motivation to work Reasons for working
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List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Intrinsic job motivation Factory workers, blue collar, UK, 1977 Higher order need strength Factory workers, blue collar, UK, 1977 Reasons for employment 15-64 aged, general public, Finland, 1966 Ambitious job attitude Public highschool boys followed 8 years from grade 10, USA, 1966-74 Status of aspired occupation Public highschool boys followed 8 years from grade 10, USA, 1966-74 Reason for working Employed mothers, rural and urban areas USA,1983 Index of intrinsic work orientation 18+ aged general public, 47 countries, 2008 Index of extrinsic work orientations 18+ aged general public, 47 countries, 2008 Valence-Instrumentality-Expectancy job belief Managers, United States, followed 16 working days, 1996