
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » VALUES: CLIMATE (values in environment) » Current value-climate

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VALUES: CLIMATE (values in environment) Current value-climate
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actual, present, prevailing, ongoing

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding educational values of the people I know University students, USA and The Netherlands, 2004 personal values of the people I know University students, USA and The Netherlands, 2004 total values of the people I know University students, USA and The Netherlands, 2004 Enjoyment of mundane pleasures Adults, general public, 8 European nations, 1996 Approval of equal rights Salaried workers, Switzerland, 2000-2001 religious fractionalization 18+ aged, general public, 70 nations, 1999-2008 religious polarization 18+ aged, general public, 70 nations, 1999-2008 Valence of words used in books 15+ aged, general public, 5 EU nations, 1973-2009 Norms Elderly Asian migrants, Los Angeles County, California, United States of America, 2010 - 2011