
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » TREATMENT » Socio-economic treatment

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TREATMENT Socio-economic treatment
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emancipation, empowerment, inclusion

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Participation in subsidized business start-up program Participants in a subsidized business start-up program and controls, Germany, followed 40 months 2013-2016 Participation in ERA program 18+ aged unemployed single mothers, UK, followed 5 years. Participants and controls in a program, 2003-2008 Part-time work after retirement 60+ aged retired participants in a work program and controls,followed 6 months, USA 1981 Eligible for FAU anti-poverty program Heads of poor families, earlier benefactors and non-benefactors of a welfare program, Colombia, 2010 Introduction of minimum wage in Germany 18-65 aged working people, Germany followed 4 years 2014-2016 pension reform Elderly followed 5 years before and after reaching pension age, Ukraine, 2003-2007 Change work hours in nation Married couples with children, followed 10 years before and after 5-day work policy, South Korea 1998-2008 Reduction of standard work hours in nation 15-64 aged general public, Japan 1984 -1999 Reduction of standard work hours in nation 16-64 aged non-student, general public, South Korea Affected by parental benefits extension New parents, Germany,before and after policy change, 2003-2005 or 2008-2010 Shock in pension rights Male public sector workers, close to pre-retirement, age, facing change in pension rights, Netherlands, 2008-2009 Closeness to shock in pension rights Male public sector workers, close to pre-retirement, age, facing change in pension rights, Netherlands, 2008-2009 Employment 15+ aged indigious people, Australia, 2008 Employment 15+ aged indigious people, Australia 2008 Welfare reform Single mothers, USA 1986-2005