
Correlational findings

Study Danzer & Danzer (2016): study UA 2003

Elderly followed 5 years before and after reaching pension age, Ukraine, 2003-2007
Survey name
UA-Ukrainian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey
N = 4927
Non Response
Interview: face-to-face


Authors's Label
pension reform
Our Classification
T1-T2: 2003-2004 before pension age, before reform T3: 2007 after pension age, after reform
Related specification variables
Pensions in Ukraine increased substantially after reform in September 2004
1  post reform (2007)
0: pre reform (2003, 2004)

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks O-SLW-c-sq-v-5-h DM = +                  Before    After
                 pension   pension
Before reform     2.35     2.15
After  reform     2.79     2.77
- difference     +0.39    +0.62

The prospect of a good pension apparently raised happiness already before receiving that pension
O-SLW-c-sq-v-5-h Beta = +.07 ns T1-T3 CHANGE happiness following pension reform O-SLW-c-sq-v-5-h Beta-f = +.06 ns Beta(addtional control for gender) and Beta-fix controlled for:
- pension aged
- individual characteristics
  - age
  - chronic disease
  - marital status
  - years of schooling
- household characteristics
  - household size
  - had children
  - income of household members
- interaction pension aged x post reform
O-SLW-c-sq-v-5-h Beta = +.19 p < .05 T1-T3 CHANGE happiness following pension reform by reaching pension age.

Beta was similar after additional controled for annual working hours(log+1).
O-SLW-c-sq-v-5-h Beta-f = +.21 p < .05 T1-T3 CHANGE happiness following pension reform by reaching pension age.

Beta-fix was similar after additional controled for annual working hours(log+1).

The positive effect of pension reform is entirely due to greater personal income; not to less working.
O-SLW-c-sq-v-5-h Beta-f = -.25 p < .01 Beta-fix additionally controled for personal income