
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » SUMMED EFFECTS » Summed effects of individual conditions (micro level) » Summed effects of current individual conditions (micro level) » Summed socio-demographic + health

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SUMMED EFFECTS Summed effects of individual conditions (micro level) Summed effects of current individual conditions (micro level) Summed socio-demographic + health
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List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Deprivation 60+aged, San Francisco, USA, 1962 R squared 15+ aged, general public, Australia 2002 Not named 20-59 aged, general public, Australia, 2002 Effects of determinants on happiness 10+ aged, general public, Russia, 1995-2000 Summed effect Farm women, Norway, 1995 Total variance 65+ aged couples, United States, 1991 Total Variance 65+aged, Britain, 2000-2001 Pseudo R-squared 20-59 aged general public, Australia, 2002-2011 Explained variance 25-59 aged general public, Australia, 2002 Summed effects 18+ aged, general public, Eastern Europe, Multiple nations, 1999 - 2008 R square 50+ aged, USA, followed 26 years 1972-1998 R square 50-70 aged, followed 15 years, Germany, 1994-2009 R square 18+ aged general public European Union, 2008 R square + 20 aged, Chai Nai and Kanchnaburi provinces, Thailand, 2005 Total variance 65+ aged Chinese and Korean immigrants, Los Angeles County, US, 2011