
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » NATION: CULTURE » Current cultural conditions the nation » Religion in nation » Share of particular denominations

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NATION: CULTURE Current cultural conditions the nation Religion in nation Share of particular denominations
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List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding share of protestants 18+ aged, general public, 70 nations, 1997-2000 share of catholics 18+ aged, general public, 70 nations, 1997-2000 Type of religion Adults, general public, 142 countries, 2005-2009 Buddhist (country level) 18+aged, general public, 65 countries, 1999-2004 Catholic (country level) 18+aged, general public, 65 countries, 1999-2004 Hindu (country level) 18+aged, general public, 65 countries, 1999-2004 Independent Christian (country level) 18+aged, general public, 65 countries, 1999-2004 Muslim (country level) 18+aged, general public, 65 countries, 1999-2004 No religion (country level) 18+aged, general public, 65 countries, 1999-2004 Protestant 18+aged, general public, 65 countries, 1999-2004