
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » MOOD » Current mood » Current typical moods » Feeling tranquil (vs restless)

Classification path
MOOD Current mood Current typical moods Feeling tranquil (vs restless)
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Related special publics
intra-personal harmony, restless mood, restlessness, speedy personality, psychological reactions, tense

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Tranquility (vs anxiety) Married females, USA, 196? Tranquility vs anxiety Undergraduate students, Nassau Community College, USA, 1970 Tranquility vs anxiety Male college students, followed 3 years, Harvard University, USA, 1957-60 Tranquility vs anxiety Female college students, Radcliff USA, followed 6 weeks, 1957 Tranquility vs anxiety College students, University of Rochester, USA, 196? Tranquility University students, University of Wisconsin, USA, 196? Excitement University students, University of Wisconsin, USA, 196? Felt impatient 18+ aged, general public, Dunedin, New Zealand, 198? Felt tense 18+ aged, general public, Dunedin, New Zealand, 198? Restless 20+ aged, general public, Puerto Rico, 1963-1964 Feeling restless 20+ aged, general public, Puerto Rico, 1963-1964 Rushed feelings 'Back to the land' mini-farmers, West USA and Canada,198? Relaxed University students, USA, followed 28 days, 199? Quite University students, USA, followed 28 days, 199? Tension Army recruits, Norway,199? Stress 12+ aged, general public, The Netherlands, 2005 Obsessionality University Students, UK, 1994 Harmony Secundary school pupils, Netherlands, 199? Tense arousal Students and volunteers for a keyboard training program, UK, 1986-89 Energetic arousal Students and volunteers for a keyboard training program, UK, 1986-89 General arousal (tense & energetic) Students and volunteers for a keyboard training program, UK, 1986-89 Stress on individual and nation level 15+ aged, general public, 121 nations, 2005-2006 Strain 16+ aged, general public, UK, 2000