
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » MOOD » Current mood » Current typical moods » Feeling cheerful (vs gloomy) » Feeling down (vs not)

Classification path
MOOD Current mood Current typical moods Feeling cheerful (vs gloomy) Feeling down (vs not)
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Related special publics
melancholy, pessimistic, sadness

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Negative affect 18+ aged, general public, Stirling County, Canada, 1963-1968 Feeling downcast or dejected 18+ aged, general public, Washington County, Maryland, USA, 1973-1974 Loneliness 21+ aged, general public, Metro Manila, Philippines, 1972 Discomfort 21+ aged, general public, Metro Manila, Philippines, 1972 Frequency of low mood Highschool pupils, New York State, USA, 1960 Negative affect states Public highschool boys followed 3 years from grade 10, USA, 1966-69 Depressive affect 18+ aged, general public, country and big city, USA, 1972 Depression 20-65 aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1968 Number of unhappy moods per day University students, USA, 1971 Felt down 18+ aged, general public, Dunedin, New Zealand, 198? Felt depressed 18+ aged, general public, Dunedin, New Zealand, 198? Negative affect Single males and couples Baltimore USA, followed 7 years, 1979-86 Depresssed or unhappy 20+ aged, general public, Puerto Rico, 1963-1964 Negative affect Steel workers, 6 months after closure of plant, Manchester, UK, 1976 Depression 16+ aged, general public, Austria, 1992 Sad University students, USA, followed 28 days, 199? Sadness Army recruits, Norway,199? Negative affect University undergraduates, Kuwait 2002 Depression University Students, UK, 1994 Negative affect on individual and nation level 15+ aged, general public, 121 nations, 2005-2006 Sadness on individual and nation level 15+ aged, general public, 121 nations, 2005-2006 Depression on individual land nation evel 15+ aged, general public, 121 nations, 2005-2006 Negative Feelings 56+aged, Arab-Americans, USA, 2001-2002 Depression 16+ aged, general public, UK, 2000 Negative feeling Students, Taiwan, 200? Anxiety level Elderly, United States, 2011 sad 18+ aged, general public, Germany, 2010 depression 16-18 aged, UK, 200? Negative affect 18+ aged general public, Russia 2012 Negative affect 15+ aged, general public, 156 nations, 2005-2019