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Correlational Subjects » LIFE EVENTS » Current life-events (past few years) » Specific current life-events » Death of an intimate

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LIFE EVENTS Current life-events (past few years) Specific current life-events Death of an intimate
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List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Death of father 16-65 aged, United Kingdom, 1999 -2004 Death mother 16-65 aged, United Kingdom, 1999 -2004 Death partner 16-65 aged, United Kingdom, 1999 -2004 Death sibling 16-65 aged, United Kingdom, 1999 -2004 Death child 16-65 aged, United Kingdom, 1999 -2004 Death friend 16-65 aged, United Kingdom, 1999 -2004 Death of intimitate long ago 16-65 aged, United Kingdom, 1999 -2004 Loss of spouse in traffic accident Bereaved and controls, USA, 1983 Bereaved parent Bereaved and controls, USA, 1983 Spouse death Eldery, United States, followed through retirement 1992-2004 Death of other family member than spouse in last year 21-64 aged, general public, Germany, followed 14 years, 1985-1999 Health 18-65 aged general public, Russia, followed yearly, 1994-2001 Death of an intimate 18-65 aged general public, Russia, followed yearly, 1994-2001 Death of closely related person 18+ aged, general public, Switzerland, followed 9 years, 2004-2012 Friend loss 60+ aged Chinese migrants, Chicago, USA, 2012 - 2013