
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » HEALTH: PHYSICAL » Current disease (who icd-10 classification) » Neoplasms (cancer) (c00-d48)

Classification path
HEALTH: PHYSICAL Current disease (who icd-10 classification) Neoplasms (cancer) (c00-d48)
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List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Number of metastaticsites Breast cancer patients, first recurrence cases, Eastern USA, 1979 Performance Status Cancer patients, estimated surv. 3 - 12 months, Vermont, USA, 1978 cancer patients under treatment Breast-cancer patients, The Netherlands, 198? Ex-cancer patients Ex-cancer patients, the Netherlands, 1987 Cancer patients Cancer patients and controls, followed 15 months, the Netherlands, 1990 pediatric oncology patients 11-21 aged lymphoma patients and controls, USA, 2004 recent treatment for cancer Cancer patients and ex-patients. The Netherlands,199? Cancer patients Cancer patients and controls, the Netherlands, 8 years after diagnosis, 1998 -? Chronic Illnesses Elderly, Hong Kong, 2001 Cancer Female, aged 50-69, United Kingdom, 1996-2001 Prevalent cancer 35-65 aged, general population, Germany, followed 4 years1994-2008 Later cancer 35-65 aged, general population, Germany, followed 4 years1994-2008