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Correlational Subjects » HAPPINESS: CORRESPONDENCE OF DIFFERENT MEASURES » Overall happiness » Overall happiness by overall happiness » O-HL by O-SL

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HAPPINESS: CORRESPONDENCE OF DIFFERENT MEASURES Overall happiness Overall happiness by overall happiness O-HL by O-SL
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List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Satisfaction with life 18+ aged, general public, EU 10, 1981 Overall life satisfaction Factory workers, blue collar, UK, 1977 Happiness (affective dimension) 15+ aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1977 Happiness 18+ aged, general public, USA, Nov 1972 Overall happiness 18+ aged, general public, USA, Nov 1972 Satisfaction with life as a whole_B 18+ aged, general public, USA, Nov 1972 Overall life satisfaction Parents with unmarried children at home, South Korea, 1980 Satisfaction with life as a whole 18+ aged, general public, Winconsin, USA, 1974 Happiness_A 18+ aged, general public, Winconsin, USA, 1974 Happiness 18+ aged, general public, USA, 1971 Satisfaction Adult women, France, 1975 Present happiness 65+ aged, retired whites, Edmonton, Canada, 1976 Present life satisfaction 18+ aged, general public, Australia, 1979 Present life satisfaction Adult, general public, metropolitan areas Brazil, 1979 Present life satisfaction 18+ aged, general public, Canada, 1979 Present life satisfaction 18+ aged, general public, France, 1979 Present life satisfaction 18+ aged, general public, India, 1979 Present life satisfaction 18+ aged, general public, Italy, 1979 Present life satisfaction 18+ aged, general public, Japan, 1979 Present life satisfaction 18+ aged, general public, Phillippines, 1979 Present life satisfaction 18+ aged, general public, urban areas, South Korea, 1972 Present life satisfaction 18+ aged, general public, United Kingdom, 1972 Present life satisfaction 18+ aged, general public, USA, 1979 Present life satisfaction 18+ aged, general public, West Germany, 1979 Life-satisfaction 16+ aged, general public, Austria, 1989 Life satisfaction Ex-migrant workers, returned to rural KwaZulu, South Africa, 1983 life satisfaction 18-88 aged, general public, Denmark, 1993 happiness 18-88 aged, general public, Denmark, 1993 life satisfaction 31-33 aged, Denmark 1993, born in University Hospital in Copenhagen happiness 31-33 aged, Denmark 1993, born in University Hospital in Copenhagen Happiness Black Americans, USA, followed from 1980 to 1992 Life satisfaction 15+ aged, general public, United Kingdom, 2005 Happiness 18 + aged, general public, 9 nations in Western Europe, 1999 Satisfaction with your happiness in general. Renal patients, USA 199? Life satisfaction 60+ aged, USA, followed 3 years 1986-1989 Life Satisfaction Employed in paid work, 26 European nations, 2004-05 Happiness University students Northern British Columbia, Canada, 1998 - 2005 Happiness Adults, British Comumbia, Canada, followed 3 years, 2005-2007 Life satisfaction 15-69 aged, general population, Japan, 2012 Immigrants Life satisfaction +18 aged Afghan immigrants, The Netherlands, 2016 Satisfaction with life as a whole_I 18+ aged, general public, USA, Nov 1972 Life satisfaction University students in Alexandria, Egypt 2012 Happiness University students, Leicester, UK, 2012 Happiness (Life satisfaction) 20-83 aged, general public, Tokyo, Japan, 2014 Happiness (Subjective happiness) 20-83 aged, general public, Tokyo, Japan, 2014 happy 18+ aged, general public, Washington, U.S.A., 2010 happy 18+ aged, general public, Oregon, U.S.A., 2010 Retrospective Happiness Users of a happiness app and controls, followed 9 weeks. Germany 2014 Happiness 16+ aged, general public, 16 modern nations, 1996-1999 Life satisfaction Ex-migrant workers, returned to rural Kwazulu, South Africa, 1984 Life-satisfaction Students, Russia, 2006-2007 Happiness 18+ aged general public, Russia, 2001 Happiness 18+ aged general public, Ukraine, 2001