
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » FAMILY OF PROCREATION » Current family of procreation » Family climate

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FAMILY OF PROCREATION Current family of procreation Family climate
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Related special publics
family of procreation, in family, inter-personal harmony, confrontation with hostility, intimacy in family, family-morale, conflicts in family, in the family, practices in family

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Family situation Mothers of 13-months infants, Florida, U.S.A., 1984 State of family relationships 21+ aged, general public, USA, 1946 Closeness of total family life Married couples, middle aged, middle-class, USA, 1952-53 Getting on well with one's family Adults, general public, students and peasants excluded, Poland, 1960 Family problems 40-60 aged male employees, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 197? Causing my family (close) problems 18+ aged, general public, former province Kuopio, Finland, 1991-1996 Strong family relationship Undergraduate students, US, 199? Family stress Women with partner, aged 18-65, 28 countries, 2001-2004 Housework conflict Women with partner, aged 18-65, 28 countries, 2001-2004 Family 60+ aged, Hong Kong, 2000 Family trust 17-18 aged , secondary school students, Italy, 2010 Conflicts with related persons 18+ aged, general public, Switzerland, followed 9 years, 2004-2012 Attachment (family functioning) 16+ aged general public, South Africa, 2012 Changeability (family functioning) 16+ aged general public, South Africa, 2012 Degree of harmony among lineages Adults, China, 2002