
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » FAMILY OF ORIGIN (earlier family for adults, current for young) » Hardship in family of origin » Unemployment of parents

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FAMILY OF ORIGIN (earlier family for adults, current for young) Hardship in family of origin Unemployment of parents
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Related special publics
employment of intimates, working of family members

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Head of household employed Adolescents, The Netherlands, 1979 Father's employment Students, London, UK, 2003 Mother's employment Students, London, UK, 2003 Employment status of mother. 17 aged, Germany, 2001-2004 Employment rate of father 34 aged, United Kingdom, followed from childhood, 2004 Mother employed Students. London, UK, 2001 Father unemployed Mothers with <6 aged children, Germany, followed 5 years 2007 - 2012