
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » EMPLOYMENT » Development of one's employment » Change in employment » Change in having work » Moved out of workforce

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EMPLOYMENT Development of one's employment Change in employment Change in having work Moved out of workforce
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stopped working

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Change in labour market status 20-64 aged males, Germany, followed 6 years, 1984-1990 Becoming/in out of the labour force 20-64 aged males, Germany, followed 6 years, 1984-1990 Being out of the labor force 20-64 aged males, Germany, followed 6 years, 1984-1990 Employment status Married women aged 20-59, United Kingdom, followed 10 years, 1996-2006, Employment Status with Out of labor force split up. Mothers aged 20-65, Germany, followed 14 years, 1994-2007 Employment status and income stream 50-59 aged, Britain, 2001 Non-working 14+ aged, Germany, 1988 - 2007 Non-employed 15+ aged, general public, Germany, 2002-2009 Employment state 15+ aged, general public, OECD Nations, 1975-1997 Work status 18+ aged, general public, South Korea, 2014-2018 Not in labourforce 15+ aged, general public, New Zealand, 2008 - 2012 Employment status 14+ aged general public, Switserland, followed 12 years 1999-2012 Employment status aged 18-60, general public, observed partnership in at least 1 year, Germany, 1994 - 2010