
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » EMPLOYMENT » Current employment arrangement

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EMPLOYMENT Current employment arrangement
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own boss, at work, independent position, salary

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Self-employment Heads of households, USA, 1977 Occupational position Employees, industry or service sector, Austria and West germany, ±1970 Job tenure Adults, general public, Western New York State, USA, 1975 Employment status Adult, general public, urban areas, Sierra Leone, 1981 Vocational situation Biological parents of children with Down's syndrome, Norbotton County, Sweden, 1990 Vocational situation 25-55 aged, general public, Umea, northern Sweden, 1990 Job tenure Criminal justice staff personnel; USA; followed 2 years, 199? Academic (vs. clinical faculty) Physicians, California, USA, 1984 Public sector (vs private sector) Employees, private and public sector. West-Germany, 1984-2004. Unemployed Adults, general public, 80 nations, 1990-2004 Employment 18+ aged, general public, 18 nations, 1995-1997 Unemployed 18+ aged general public, 64 countries, 1981-2004 Employment status 16+ aged, general public, USA, 1985-1998 Employment 15+ aged, general public in 17 Latin American nations, 1997-2006 Self-emplyed 18+ aged, general public, World, 2005 Employment status 16+ aged, general public, Hungary, 1992-1998 Current Employment Contract 20-65 aged, UK, followed 5 years 1999-2004 Employment arrangement 18-65 aged, general public, Germany, followed yearly, 1991-2012 Being employed (paid job) 50-75 aged, general public, 12 European nations, 2006-2007 Kind of employment 21-65 aged, commuters from Slowakia, Tsjechia and Hungary, 2012-2013 Independent contractor Working population, USA, 2006-2014 Traditional employment Working population, USA, 2006-2014