
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » CHILDREN: HAVING (parental status) » Development of parental status » Change in parental status » Birth of children

Classification path
CHILDREN: HAVING (parental status) Development of parental status Change in parental status Birth of children
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Related special publics
recent birth of child, children, own children, adoption

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding got children 15+ aged, general public West Germany, 1984-2000 Got a child Infertile couples and matched controls, followed 3 years, USA 1988-1990 Birth of first child 16+ aged working force, USA, followed 5 years, 1973-1977 Birth of additional child within past 5 years 16+ aged working force, USA, followed 5 years, 1973-1977 Got first child Young adults, followed from age 18 to 30, The Netherlands, 1987-1999 Child born Couples, Australia, followed 4 years 2001-2004 birth of first child + conditions Infertile couples and matched controls, followed 3 years, USA 1988-1990 Have a child in the coming year Mothers aged 20-65, Germany, followed 14 years, 1994-2007 Had a baby in last year 21-64 aged, general public, Germany, followed 14 years, 1985-1999 Children 18-65 aged general public, Russia, followed yearly, 1994-2001 Newborn since last interview 18-65 aged general public, Russia, followed yearly, 1994-2001 Affected by parental benefits extension New parents, Germany,before and after policy change, 2003-2005 or 2008-2010 Number of children aged 18-60, general public, observed partnership in at least 1 year, Germany, 1994 - 2010