
Correlational findings

Study Ifcher & Zarghamee (2014): study US 1972

18-45 aged, USA 1972-2008
Survey name
N = 26005
Non Response
Interview: Computer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)


Authors's Label
Parental status
Our Classification
To be defined as a single mother, the respondent must be:
a: female
b: single (this includes women who are widowed, divorced, separated or never married)
c: report having at least one child of her own
d: report at least one child (not neccessarily her own, aged 17 or under) living in the household

1: single mother
0: other

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks O-HL-c-sq-v-3-aa DM = - Single mothers:                      M = 1.97
All Americans except single mothers: M = 2.23
- difference:                          -0.26

Single mothers:                      M = 1.97
All women except single mothers:     M = 2.28
- difference:                           -0.31

Single mothers:                      M = 1.97
Single childless women:              M = 2.16
- difference:                           -0.19

Single mothers:                      M = 1.97
Married mothers:                     M = 2.33
- difference:                           -0.36
O-HL-c-sq-v-3-aa OPRC = -.51 p < .01 Single mothers (vs. All respondents) O-HL-c-sq-v-3-aa OPRC = -.51 p < .01 Single mothers (vs. Female repondents) O-HL-c-sq-v-3-aa OPRC = -.23 p < .01 Single mothers (vs. Single female repondents) O-HL-c-sq-v-3-aa OPRC = -.58 p < .01 Single mothers (vs. Respondents who are mothers)

OPRC controlled for:
- gender
- age
- race
- native born

OPRCs order unaffected by additional control for
- educational attainment
- health status
- work status
- number of children
- family income
- region
Coefficient for subsample of single female respondents becomes insignificant.