
Correlational findings

Study Cheng & Furnham (2003a): study GB London 2001

Students. London, UK, 2001
Survey name
Unnamed study
N = 234
Non Response
Questionnaire: Paper & Pencil Interview (PAPI)


Authors's Label
Oxford Happiness Inventory (OHI)
Our Classification
Error Estimates
Cronbach alpha: 0.92
Argyle, Martin, and Crossland (1989)
Author's label Oxford Happiness Inventory
Page in Source  19
Our classification Life-adjustment inventories, code L4.7
Operationalization 29 item "Oxford Happines Inventory"(OHI)
A  I feel happy.
B  I am particulerly optimistic    about the future.
C  I am really satified with     anything in my life.
D  I feel that I am in control of my life.
D I don't feel that life is  particularly rewarding.
E  I feel particularly pleased with the way I am.
F  I never have a good influence on   events
G  I get by in life.
H  I am interested in other people
I  I find it easy to make decisions
J  I find it easy to get started to do things.
K  I mostly wake up feeling rested
L  I feel energetic
M  I think things have a particular "sparkle"
N  I feel mentally alert
O  I feel healthy
P  I have warm feelings towards others
Q  I have happy memories of the past
R  I am often in a state of joy or   elation.
S  There is no gap between what I would like to do and
what I have done
T  I can organize my time very well
U  I have fun with other people
V  I a cheerful effect on others
W  I have a sense of meaning and purpose in my life
X  I have feelings of commitment and involvement
Y  I think the world is a good place
Z  I laugh often
AA I think I look attractive
AB I find things amusing

Rated:  (7) agree through to (1) disagree.

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks A-BB-cm-mq-v-2-a r = +.47 p < .001 Positive Affect r=+.48
Negative Affect r=-.22
O-HL-c-sq-v-3-aa r = +.45 p < .001