Study Peiro (2006): study ZZ 1995
- Public
- 16+ aged, general public, 16 nations, 1995
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 16000
- Non Response
- Assessment
- Interview: face-to-face
- Authors's Label
- Number of children
- Our Classification
- Related specification variables
- Operationalization
- 0: no children (reference)
1: one child
2: two children
3: three children
4: more than three children
Observed Relation with Happiness
1: one child: OLRC= -.12 (ns)
2: two children: OLRC= +.14 (ns)
3: three children: OLRC= +.21 (ns)
4: more than three children: OLRC= -.23 (ns)
1: one child: OLRC= +.02 (ns)
2: two children: OLRC= +.01 (ns)
3: three children: OLRC= -.02 (ns)
4: more than three children: OLRC= +.05 (ns)
1: one child: OLRC= +.30 (ns)
2: two children: OLRC= -.10 (ns)
3: three children: OLRC= +.15 (ns)
4: more than three children: OLRC= +.53 (ns)
1: one child: OLRC= +.22 (ns)
2: two children: OLRC= +.32 (ns)
3: three children: OLRC= -.01 (ns)
4: more than three children: OLRC= -.24 (ns)
1: one child: OLRC= -.07 (ns)
2: two children: OLRC= -.90 (ns)
3: three children: OLRC= -.54 (ns)
4: more than three children: OLRC= -1.72 (01)
1: one child: OLRC= -.29 (ns)
2: two children: OLRC= -.06 (ns)
3: three children: OLRC= +.06 (ns)
4: more than three children: OLRC= +.10 (ns)
1: one child: OLRC= +.05 (ns)
2: two children: OLRC= -.17 (ns)
3: three children: OLRC= +.15 (ns)
4: more than three children: OLRC= +.28 (ns)
1: one child: OLRC= +.15 (ns)
2: two children: OLRC= +.39 (ns)
3: three children: OLRC= +.66 (05)
4: more than three children: OLRC= +.46 (ns)
1: one child: OLRC= -.39 (ns)
2: two children: OLRC= -.43 (ns)
3: three children: OLRC= -.79 (01)
4: more than three children: OLRC= -1.00 (01)
1: one child: OLRC= +.14 (ns)
2: two children: OLRC= +.21 (ns)
3: three children: OLRC= +.73 (01)
4: more than three children: OLRC= +.68 (05)
1: one child: OLRC= -.30 (ns)
2: two children: OLRC= +.02 (ns)
3: three children: OLRC= -.26 (ns)
4: more than three children: OLRC= -.32 (ns)
1: one child: OLRC= +.14 (ns)
2: two children: OLRC= +.35 (ns)
3: three children: OLRC= +.41 (ns)
4: more than three children: OLRC= +.73 (ns)
1: one child: OLRC= +.95 (05)
2: two children: OLRC= +.58 (ns)
3: three children: OLRC= +.76 (ns)
4: more than three children: OLRC= +.93 (ns)
1: one child: OLRC= -.08 (ns)
2: two children: OLRC= -.28 (ns)
3: three children: OLRC= -.50 (05)
4: more than three children: OLRC= -.39 (ns)
1: one child: OLRC= -.17 (ns)
2: two children: OLRC= -.52 (05)
3: three children: OLRC= -.34 (ns)
4: more than three children: OLRC= -.38 (ns)
1: one child: OLRC= +.11 (ns)
2: two children: OLRC= -.04 (ns)
3: three children: OLRC= +.21 (ns)
4: more than three children: OLRC= -.10 (ns)
1: one child: OLRC= +.18 (ns)
2: two children: OLRC= -.07 (ns)
3: three children: OLRC= +.03 (ns)
4: more than three children: OLRC= +.31 (ns)
1: one child: OLRC= +.10 (ns)
2: two children: OLRC= -.38 (ns)
3: three children: OLRC= -.22 (ns)
4: more than three children: OLRC= +.03 (ns)
1: one child: OLRC= +.38 (ns)
2: two children: OLRC= +.49 (ns)
3: three children: OLRC= +.29 (ns)
4: more than three children: OLRC= +.54 (ns)
1: one child: OLRC= -.05 (ns)
2: two children: OLRC= -.10 (ns)
3: three children: OLRC= +.25 (ns)
4: more than three children: OLRC= -.37 (ns)
1: one child: OLRC= -.46 (05)
2: two children: OLRC= -.24 (ns)
3: three children: OLRC= -.19 (ns)
4: more than three children: OLRC= -.07 (ns)
1: one child: OLRC= -.01 (ns)
2: two children: OLRC= -.29 (ns)
3: three children: OLRC= -.27 (ns)
4: more than three children: OLRC= -.09 (ns)
1: one child: OLRC= -.32 (ns)
2: two children: OLRC= -.46 (ns)
3: three children: OLRC= -.46 (ns)
4: more than three children: OLRC= -.51 (ns)
1: one child: OLRC= -.31 (ns)
2: two children: OLRC= -.64 (01)
3: three children: OLRC= -.60 (05)
4: more than three children: OLRC= -.65 (05)
1: one child: OLRC= +.05 (ns)
2: two children: OLRC= -.01 (ns)
3: three children: OLRC= +.16 (ns)
4: more than three children: OLRC= +.60 (05)
1: one child: OLRC= -.08 (ns)
2: two children: OLRC= +.06 (ns)
3: three children: OLRC= +.08 (ns)
4: more than three children: OLRC= -.17 (ns)
1: one child: OLRC= +.31 (ns)
2: two children: OLRC= +.13 (ns)
3: three children: OLRC= +.12 (ns)
4: more than three children: OLRC= +.52 (ns)
1: one child: OLRC= +.11 (ns)
2: two children: OLRC= -.39 (ns)
3: three children: OLRC= -.21 (ns)
4: more than three children: OLRC= -.43 (ns)
1: one child: OLRC= -.26 (ns)
2: two children: OLRC= -.43 (05)
3: three children: OLRC= -.43 (05)
4: more than three children: OLRC= -.25 (ns)
1: one child: OLRC= +.27 (ns)
2: two children: OLRC= -.24 (ns)
3: three children: OLRC= -.09 (ns)
4: more than three children: OLRC= -.06 (ns)
OLRC controlled for:
-marital status
-size of town
-labor market status
OLRC (Ordered Logit Regression Coefficient) cannot be interpreted as an absolute effect-size. The coefficients only denote relative differences in correlation and whether the correlations are negative or positive. E.g. in Peru and the USA there are negative correlations between happiness and having (more) children, in Sweden there are positive correlations. In most nations we see positive and negative correlations simultaneously, dependent on the actual number of children.