
Correlational findings

Study VanEe & VanDijk (2005): study ZZ Western nations 2004

University students, USA and The Netherlands, 2004
N = 361
Non Response
Questionnaire: Paper & Pencil Interview (PAPI)


Authors's Label
individual personal values
Our Classification
M= 2.34, SD= .418
M St. Louis= 2.38, ST St. Louis= .477
M Utrecht= 2.3, ST Utrecht= .336
Please circle in the first column, next to the statement, the extent to which you agree with the statements:

Concerning a personal situation for me it's important:
A To admire friends that perform extremely well in sports
B To support friends who are feeling down
C To own a big car
D To help busy family members with their responsibilities
E To be able to spend a lot of money
F To yield a free bus seat to an elderly lady
G To own luxurious products
H To save the last cookie for someone else
I That in a family men and women share
the same tasks
J That men be ambitious
K That a father be more
rational than emotional
L That a man hit back when attacked
M That men are discouraged from crying
N That women are allowed to cry
O That a woman does not hit back when
she is attacked
P That women especially concern themselves with human relations
Q That conflicts are being solved by compromises
R That people approach each other in a friendly way
S That good friends have a high social status
T That people are able to enjoy events that are often taken
for granted, like seeing the sunrise

Rating: 1= strongly disagree ….5= strongly agree
Summation: Average

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks O-SLW-c-sq-n-10-a r = -.01 ns St. Louis r= +.01 ns
Utrecht   r= -.04 ns
A-BB-cm-mq-v-2-a r = +.00 ns St.Louis r= +.04 ns
Utrecht  r= -.03 ns
A-BB-cm-mq-v-2-a r = +.03 ns St.Louis r= +.15, p<.05
Utrecht  r= -.10, p<.10