
Work values in nations

Value assertiveness Opinion middle managers (7) 1995-97ValueAssertiveness_199660House 2004 table 15.7
Practice assertiveness Opinion middle managers (8) 1995-97PracticeAssertiveness_199660House 2004 table 15.6
Difference Value-Practice in assertiveness Value score minus Practice score 1999-97ValuePracticeGapAs_199660
Value gender equalityOpinion middle managers (7) 1995-97ValueGenderEquality_199660House 2004 table 14.10b
Practice gender equality Opinion middle managers (8) 1995-97PracticeGenderEquality_199660House 2004 table 14.10
Difference Value-Practice in gender equality Value score minus Practice score 1999-97ValuePracticeGapGE_199660
See also Power distance
Value humane orientation Opinion middle managers (7) 1995-97ValueHumaneOrientation_199660House 2004 table 18.4c
Practice humane orientation Opinion middle managers (8) 1995-97PracticeHumaneOrientation_199660House 2004 table 18.4b
Difference Value-Practice in humane orientation Value score minus Practice score 1999-97ValuePracticeGapHO_199660House 2004 tables 18.4 b+c
Perceived importance of workOpinion general public: Work more important than leisure1995-98ValueWorkOverLeisure_9646WVS3, item 72
Value individualism Opinion of employees (1) about ideal job:
Relative importance of: a) time for private life, b) freedom at work, c) challenging work, As opposed to: d) training opportunities, e) physical working conditions, f) use of skills
1965-69ValueIndividualism1_1965.6932Hofstede 1991 table 3.3
1965-2002ValueIndividualism1_1965.2002 (2) 68Hofstede 2005 table 3.1
Opinion employees of business organizations:
Response to 5 forced choices, e.g. rely on yourself or colleagues
Desirability rated for oneself and what most other people would think
1989ValueIndividualism2_198940Smith 1996
Value institutional collectivism Opinion middle managers (7) 1995-97ValueInstitutionalCollectivism_199660House 2004 table 16.7c
Practice institutional collectivism Opinion middle managers (8) 1995-97PracticeInstutionalCollectivism_199660House 2004 table 16.7a
Value in-group collectivism Opinion middle managers (7) 1995-97ValueGroupCollectivism_199660House 2004 table 16.7d
Difference Value-Practice in institutional collectivism Value score minus Practice score 1999-97ValuePracticeGapGI_199660
Practice of in-group collectivism Opinion middle managers (8) 1995-97PracticeGroupCollectivism_199660
Difference Value-Practice in in-group collectivism Value score minus Practice score 1999-97ValuePracticeGapGC_199660
Value long term orientation
(Bond’s addition to Hofstede’s values)
Opinion employees (1) and university students1979-2002ValueLongTermOrientation_1979.2002 (6) 37Hofstede 2005 table 6.1
Opinion university students
Value a) persistence, b) order, c) thrift, d) sense of shame, As opposed to: e) personal stability, f) saving face, g) respect for tradition, h) reciprocation of favors
1979ValueLongTermOrientation_197917Hofstede 1991 table 7.1
Value future orientation Opinion middle managers (7) 1995-97ValueFutureOrientation_199660House 2004 table 13.6
Practice future orientation Opinion middle managers (8) 1995-97PracticeFutureOrientation_199660House 2004 table 13.5
Difference Value-Practice in future orientation Value score minus Practice score 1999-97ValuePracticeGapFO_199660
Value performance Opinion middle managers (7) 1995-97ValuePerformance_199660House 2004 table 12.10
Practice performance Opinion middle managers (8) 1995-97PracticePerformance_199660House 2004 table 12.9
Difference Value-Practice in performance Value score minus Practice score 1999-97ValuePracticeGapPe_199660
Power distance Opnion of non-managerial employees (1) about: a) how often employees are actually afraid to express disagreement with their manager, b) actual decision style of their boss ‘autocratic’ or ‘paternalistic’, c) preference for such style
(mix of perceived practice and value)
1965-69PowerDistance_1965.6932Hofstede 1991 table 2.1
1965-2002PowerDistance_1965 .2002 (3) 68Hofstede 2005 table 2.1
Value achievement (vs ascription) Opinion of employees. Agreement to statements about: a) act the way you are, b) respect draws on descent, c) life is luck, d) be more gentle with women, e) managers better older, f) older people deserve more respect 1989ValueAchievement_198940Smith 1996
Practice power distance Opinion middle managers (8) 1995-97PracticePowerDistance_199660House 2004 table 17.4b
Value power distance Opinion middle managers (7) 1995-97ValuePowerDistance_199660House 2004 table 17.4a
Difference Value-Practice in powerdistance Value score minus Practice score 1999-97ValuePracticeGapPD_199660
See also Gender equality
Value masculinity Opinion of employees (1) about ideal job:
Relative preference for: a) earning, b) recognition, c) advancement, d) challenge, As opposed to: e) good relation with boss, f) cooperation with colleagues, g) nice place to live, h) job security
1965-69ValueMasculinity_1965.6932Hofstede 1991 table 4.1
1965-2002ValueMasculinity_1965.2002 (4) 68Hofstede 2005 table 4.1
Uncertainity avoidance  Report by employees (1) of:
a) job stress
b) agreement with statement that company rules should never be broken even if that is in the companies interest
c) preference for long-term employment
1965-69UncertainityAvoidance_1965.6932Hofstede 1991 table 5.1
1965-2002UncertainityAvoidance_1965.2002 (5) 68Hofstede 2005 table 5.1
Value uncertainity avoidance Opinion middle managers (7) 1995-97ValueUncertaintyAvoidance_199660House 2004 table 19.8
Practice uncertainty avoidance Opinion middle managers (8) 1995-97PracticeUncertaintyAvoidance_199660House 2004 table 19.7
Difference Value-Practice in uncertainity avoidance Value score minus Practice score 1999-97ValuePracticeGapUA_199660

Related topics: Valuations of professions, Perceived attributes of good leaders, Economic values
Related themes: Values, Work

The dataset States of Nations is about characteristics of countries in periods (macro variables). It is part of the World Database of Happiness. Developed for the identification of societal conditions for happiness, this dataset can also be used for other purposes.