Lepper (1998): study US California 1993
- Author(s):
- Lepper, H.S.
- Title:
- Use of Other-Reports to Validate Subjective Well-Being Measures.
- Source:
- Social Indicators Research, 1998, Vol. 44, 367 - 379
- Public
- Retirees, Southern California, USA, followed 9 months199?
- Sample
- Non-probability chunk sample
- Respondents
- N = 971
- Non Response
- Assessment
Questionnaire: Paper & Pencil Interview (PAPI)
Mailed questionnaire
Happiness Measure(s) and Distributional Findings
- Full text:
Self report on single question:
Taken all together, how would you say things are these days? Would you say that you are....?
3 very happy
2 pretty happy
1 not too happy - Classification:
- O-HL-c-sq-v-3-aa
- Author's label:
- Global happiness
- Remarks:
- T1 M= 1,22 SD= 0,58 , T2 M= 1,29 SD= 0,60
Rating by significant other using he same question yields almost identical means (T1 M = 1,24, T2 M= 1,28) - Page in publication:
- 371
- Observed distribution
- Summary Statistics
- On original range 1 - 3 On range 0-10
- Mean:
- 1.22 -
- SD:
- 0.58 -
- Full text:
Self report on single question:
During the past 4 weeks….. Have you been a happy person?
6 all of the time
5 most of the time
4 a good bit of the time
3 some of the time
2 a little of the time
1 none of the time
Item MH5 in SF-36 (Medical Outcome Study 36 item Short Form) - Classification:
- M-TH-cm-sq-v-6-a
- Author's label:
- Recent Happiness
- Remarks:
- T1: M = 3,54 , SD = 0,89 ,T2 M= 3,54 SD= 0,90
- Page in publication:
- 371-3
- Observed distribution
- Summary Statistics
- On original range 1 - 6 On range 0-10
- Mean:
- 3.54 -
- SD:
- 0.89 -
- Full text:
Self report on single question:
Considering your life as a whole, would you describe it as?
1 very unhappy
2 unhappy
3 unhappy
4 mixed
5 happy
6 happy
7 very happy
Verbal label 'unhappy' used for numerical options 2 and 3 together. Likewise verbal label 'happy' used for both numerical options 5 and 6. - Classification:
- O-HL-u-sq-v-7-e
- Author's label:
- General Happiness
- Remarks:
- T1 M= 5,24 SD= 0,97 , T2 M= 5,47 SD= 0,91
Rating by significant other using the same question yields almost identical (T1 M=5,28 T2 M= 5,41 - Page in publication:
- 371
- Observed distribution
- Summary Statistics
- On original range 1 - 7 On range 0-10
- Mean:
- 5.24 -
- SD:
- 0.97 -
- Full text:
Self report on 10 questions:
During the past few weeks, did you ever feel ....? (yes/no)
A Particularly excited or interested in something?
B So restless that you couldn't sit long in a chair?
C Proud because someone complimented you on something
you had done?
D Very lonely or remote from other people?
E Pleased about having accomplished something?
F Bored?
G On top of the world?
H Depressed or very unhappy?
I That things were going your way?
J Upset because someone criticized you?
Answer options and scoring:
yes = 1
no = 0
-Positive Affect Score (PAS): A+C+E+G+I
-Negative Affect Score (NAS): B+D+F+H+J
-Affect Balance Score (ABS): PAS minus NAS
Possible range: -5 to +5
Name: Bradburn's 'Affect Balance Scale' (standard version) - Classification:
- A-BB-cm-mq-v-2-a
- Author's label:
- Affect Balance Scale
- Remarks:
- T1 T2
Mean SD Mean SD
Positive Affect 0,74 0,27 0,78 0,26
Negative Affect 0,15 0,23 0,13 0,21
Affect Balance 0,59 0,65 - Page in publication:
- 371-3
- Error estimates:
- Reliability coefficient: positive affect = 0.69, negative affect = 0,65 Rating by significant other almost identical (ABS = 0,64)
- Observed distribution
- Summary Statistics
- On original range -5 - 5 On range 0-10
- Mean:
- 0.59 5.59
- SD:
- - -
- Full text:
Self report on single question:
'How satisfied would you say you are with your life as a whole ....?'
4 completely satisfied
3 very satisfied
2 moderately satisfied
1 slightly satisfied
0 not satisfied at all - Classification:
- O-SLW-u-sq-v-5-c
- Author's label:
- Satisfaction with life scale
- Remarks:
- T1 M = 4,15 SD= 5,36 T2 M= 4,26 SD= 1,01
Rating by significant other using the same question yields almost identical means (T1 = 4,29 T2 M= 4,12 ) - Page in publication:
- 371
- Error estimates:
- reliability coefficient = 0,89,
- Full text:
Self report on three questions:
A During the past 4 weeks….. Have you been a happy person?
6 all of the time
5 most of the time
4 a good bit of the time
3 some of the time
2 a little of the time
1 none of the time
B Considering your life as a whole, would you describe it as…?"
1 very unhappy
2 unhappy
3 unhappy
4 mixed
5 happy
6 happy
7 very happy
C Taking all together, how would you say things are these days?
3 very happy
2 pretty happy
1 not too happy - Classification:
- O-HL-*-mq-v-16-a
- Author's label:
- happiness
- Remarks:
- Index of the measures for global happiness, recent happiness and general happiness
Wave 1 SD = 0,65
Wave 2 SD = 0,03 - Page in publication:
- 372
- Observed distribution
- Summary Statistics
- On original range 3 - 16 On range 0-10
- Mean:
- - -
- SD:
- 0.65 -
- Full text:
Various self reports and informant rating
A Self report on five questions repeated three times during semester:
a In most ways my life is close to ideal
b The conditions of my life are excellent
c I am satisfied with my life
d So far, I have gotten the important things I want in life
e If I could live my life over, I would change nothing
Answers rated: 7 strongly agree ...1 strongly disagree
(Diener's Satisfaction With Life Scale, SWLS)
B Self report on 24 questions:
How much of each mood did you experience in the last month?
a Affection
b love
c caring
d fondness
a joy
b happiness
c contentment
d pride
a fear
b worry
c anxiety
d nervous
a anger
b irritation
c disgust
d rage
a shame
b guilt
c regret
d embarrassment
a sadness
b loneliness
c unhappiness
d depression
Rated: 0 = not at all ….6 extremely much
Summation: balance score (BA+BB)/2 - (BC+BD+BE+BF)/4
C Rating of B by five informants
D Self report of daily affect on B
Summation: z-scores - Classification:
- M-AO-*-mqr-*-*-a
- Author's label:
- SWB index
- Page in publication:
- 372
- Full text:
Rating by intimate on 10 questions:
During the past few weeks, did X ever feel ....? (yes/no)
A Particularly excited or interested in something?
B So restless that you couldn't sit long in a chair?
C Proud because someone complimented you on something
you had done?
D Very lonely or remote from other people?
E Pleased about having accomplished something?
F Bored?
G On top of the world?
H Depressed or very unhappy?
I That things were going your way?
J Upset because someone criticized you?
Answer options and scoring:
yes = 1
no = 0
-Positive Affect Score (PAS): A+C+E+G+I
-Negative Affect Score (NAS): B+D+F+H+J
-Affect Balance Score (ABS): PAS minus NAS
Possible range: -5 to +5
Name: Bradburn's 'Affect Balance Scale' ( other rating version) - Classification:
- A-BB-cm-rdv-v-2-a
- Author's label:
- Affect Balance
- Remarks:
- T1 T2
Mean SD Mean SD
Positive Affect 0,79 0,28 0,80 0,26
Negative Affect 0,15 0,24 0,13 0,22
Affect Balance 0,64 0,67 - Page in publication:
- 371-3
- Error estimates:
- Self rating using the same question almost identical (ABS = 0,59)
- Observed distribution
- Summary Statistics
- On original range -5 - 5 On range 0-10
- Mean:
- 0.64 -
- SD:
- - -
- Full text:
Rating by intimates on single question:
During the past 4 weeks….. Have you been a happy person?
6 all of the time
5 most of the time
4 a good bit of the time
3 some of the time
2 a little of the time
1 none of the time
Item MH5 in SF-36 (Medical Outcome Study 36 item Short Form), other rating version - Classification:
- M-TH-cm-rdv-v-6-a
- Author's label:
- Recent happiness
- Remarks:
- T1: M= 3,54 , SD = 0,90 , T2: M= 3,55 SD= 0,90
- Observed distribution
- Summary Statistics
- On original range 1 - 6 On range 0-10
- Mean:
- 3.54 -
- SD:
- 0.90 -
Correlational Findings
Quality of sleep