Ibrahim & Chung (2003): study SG 2000
- Author(s):
- Ibrahim, M.F.; Chung, S.W.
- Title:
- Quality of Life of Residents Living Near Industrial Estates in Singapore.
- Source:
- Social Indicators Research, 2003, Vol. 61, 203 - 225
- Public
- 16+ aged, residents of flats, Jurong quarter, Singapore, 2000
- Sample
- Probability cluster sample
- Respondents
- N = 300
- Non Response
- Assessment
Interview: face-to-face
Structured interview
Happiness Measure(s) and Distributional Findings
- Full text:
Self report on two questions:
A At this present moment, how do you feel about your life as a whole?
1 terrible (very dissatisfied)
2 unhappy (dissatisfied)
3 neutral (neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
4 pleased (satisfied)
5 delighted (very satisfied)
B Taking all the above into consideration, on an ascending scale from 1-5, how satisfied are you with your life at present?
Question A asked at the beginning of the interview and question B at the end.
Summation: (A+B)/2 - Classification:
- A-BB-c-mq-v-5-a
- Author's label:
- Overall Life Satisfaction
- Remarks:
- Overall Life Satisfaction scores average value between intuitive and rationale response.
Intuitive response: response at the beginning of the interview: M=3,67; SD=0,62
Rationale response: response at the end of the interview: M= 3,71; SD=0,63 - Page in publication:
- 210
- Observed distribution
- Frequencies
- 1: 0%, 2: 2.7%, 3: 36.3%, 4: 56%, 5: 5% (total 100%)
- Summary Statistics
- On original range 1 - 5 On range 0-10
- Mean:
- 3.69 -
- SD:
- 0.60 -
Correlational Findings
Married (vs never married)
Married (vs widowed)
Married (vs divorced)
Never married (vs widowed)
Never married (vs divorced)
Widowed (vs divorced)
Vocational education