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Special public: Students

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Reference Title of publication Public Strack et al. (1985): study XZ Germany West 1982 Happiness and Reminiscing: The Role of Time Perspective, Affect, and Mode of Thinking. Students translater school, West-Germany, 1982 Ludwig (1971): study US 1966 Elation-Depression and Skill as Determinants of Desire for Excitement. Female students, undergraduates, University of Wisconsin, USA, 196? Dermer et al. (1979): study US 1978 Evaluative Judgements of Aspects of Life as a Function of Vicarious Exposure to Hedonic Extremes. Female students, moderately happy, USA, 1978 Dermer et al. (1979): study US 1978 /1 Evaluative Judgements of Aspects of Life as a Function of Vicarious Exposure to Hedonic Extremes. Female students, moderately happy, USA, 1978 Dermer et al. (1979): study US 1978 /2 Evaluative Judgements of Aspects of Life as a Function of Vicarious Exposure to Hedonic Extremes. Female students, moderately happy, USA, 1978 Seidlitz & Diener (1993): study US 1988 /2 Memory for Positive versus Negative Life Events: Theories for the Differences between Happy and Unhappy Persons. Psychology students, selected for earlier happiness, followed 11 month, USA, 198?-8? Seidlitz & Diener (1993): study US 1988 /1 Memory for Positive versus Negative Life Events: Theories for the Differences between Happy and Unhappy Persons. Psychology students, selected for earlier happiness, USA, 198? Seidlitz & Diener (1993): study US 1988 Memory for Positive versus Negative Life Events: Theories for the Differences between Happy and Unhappy Persons. Psychology undergraduate, students, University of Illinois, USA, 198? Borg & Wächterhshäuser (1990): study XZ Germany West 1988 Zur Eukolos-Dyskolos Dimension: Kontrollüberzeugungen und Zufriedenheit. (Satisfaction and Control Belief). Students and professionals, town Germany, 1988 Younis et al. (2003): study IQ 2001 Quality of Life among College Students in Iraq. University students, Iraq, 2001 Williams (1981): study GB 1981 Personality and Mood: State-Trait Relationships. University students, England, 1981 Diener et al. (1995a): study ZZ East-West pairs 1991 /1 National Differences in Reported Subjective Well-Being: Why do They Occur? College students, South Korea, China, USA, 199? Brunstein et al. (1998): study DE 1993 /1 Personal Goals and Emotional Well-Being: The Moderating Role of Motive Dispositions. University students, Germany, 199?, followed 4 month Diener et al. (2002a): study ZZ World samples 1980 Looking Up and Looking Down: Weighting Good and Bad Information in Life Satisfaction Judgments. College students, 31 nations, 1980's Diener et al. (2002a): study ZZ World samples 1994 Looking Up and Looking Down: Weighting Good and Bad Information in Life Satisfaction Judgments. College students, 41 nations, 1994 Diener et al. (1995b): study US 1993 Physical Attractiveness and Subjective Well-Being. College students, USA 199? Magnus & Diener (1991): study US 1986 A Longitudinal Analysis of Personality, Life Events, and Subjective Well-Being. University students, USA, followed 4 years 1986-1990 Lewis & Joseph (1996): study GB 1994 Convergent Validity of the Depression-Happiness Scale with the Crown-Crisp Experiential Index. University Students, UK, 1994 Lewis et al. (2001): study GB 1999 Convergent Validity of the Depression-Happiness Scale with the Memorial University of Newfoundland Scale of Happiness. University Students, Northern Ireland, 1999 Pavot et al. (1997): study US 1992 The Relationship between Self-Aspect Congruences Personality and Subjective Well-Being. Undergraduate students, USA, 199? Vitterso et al. (2009): study NO 2005 Life Satisfaction is not a Balanced Estimator of the Good Life: Evidence from Reaction Time Measures and Self-Reported Emotions. Students and technical staff university, Norway, 2005 Joseph & Lewis (1998): study GB 1996 The Depression-Happiness Scale: Reliability and Validity of a Bipolar Self-Report Scale. 18+ students, Ulster, UK, 1995 Cowan et al. (1998): study US 1993 Women's Hostility Toward Women. Heterosexual women college psychology students USA 199? Ayyash-Abdo & Alamuddin (2007): study LB 2007 Predictors of Subjective Well-Being Among College Youth in Lebanon. Students, Lebanon, 2007 Jones (2006): study US California 2006 Which is a Better Predictor of Job Performance: Job Satisfaction or Life Satisfaction? Evening students, California, United States of America, 2006 Bryant et al. (2005): study US 2002 Using the Past to Enhance the Present: Boosting Happiness Through Positive Reminiscence. Student participants in a positive reminisence training, USA, 2002 Eryilmaz (2015a): study TR Eskisehir 2012 Positive Psychology in the Class: The Effectiveness of a Teaching Method Based on Subjective Well-Being and Engagement Increasing Activities. Students in a human relationships course and controls, Eskisehir, Turkey, 2012 Lönnqvist & Itkonen (2014): study FI 2012 It’s all about Extraversion: Why Facebook Friend Count doesn’t Count towards Well-being. 18+ aged, students, Finland Oishi & Sullivan (2006): study US 2000 The Predictive Value of Daily vs. Retrospective Judgements in Relationship Stability. New dating couples, followed 14 days, USA, 200? Blauw (2014a): study NL 2012 Birds of a Feather: The Spread of Happiness and Behavior in a Dutch Sorority. Female university students, members of a sorority, The Netherlands, followed 1 year 2012-2013 Piwetz et al. (2015): study US 2014 Non-binary Living in a Binary World: The Unlabeled Experience Students, sexual minority, USA, 2014