
Special publics

Special public: Farmers

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List of Studies on this Public

Reference Title of publication Public Molnar (1985): study US 1981 Determinants of Subjective Well-Being among Farm Operators. Farm operators, Alabama, USA, 1981 Brinkerhoff & Jacob (1986): study ZZ Anglo-America 1983 Quality of Life in an Alternative Lifestyle: The Smallholding Movement. 'Back to the land' mini-farmers, West USA and Canada,198? Brinkerhoff & Jacob (1987): study ZZ Anglo-America 1983 Quasi-Religious Meaning Systems, Official Religion and Quality of Life in an Alternative Lifestyle: A Survey from the Back-to-the-Land Movement. 'Back to the land' mini farmers, West USA and Canada,1984 Wozniak et al. (1993): study US 1985 Domains of Subjective Well-Being in Farm Men and Women. 18-65 aged farm-couples, USA, 1985 Walters & McKenry (1985): study US 1983 Predictors of Life Satisfaction Among Rural and Urban Employed Mothers: A Research Note. Employed mothers, rural and urban areas USA,1983 Haugen & Blekesaune (2005): study NO 1995 Farm and Off-farm Work and Life Satisfaction among Norwegian Farm Women. Farm women, Norway, 1995 Thekiso et al. (2013): study ZA ZA: North West 2010 Psychological Well-Being, Physical Health, and the Quality of Life of a Group of Farm Workers in South Africa: the FLAGHStudy. Farm workers, North West Province of South Africa, 201? Liang & Zhu (2015): study CN 2014 Subjective Well-Being of Chinese Landless Peasants in Relatively Developed Regions: Measurement Using PANAS and SWLS. Landless peasants, aged 18-70, China, 2014 Liang & Zhu (2015): study CN 2012 Subjective Well-Being of Chinese Landless Peasants in Relatively Developed Regions: Measurement Using PANAS and SWLS. Landless peasants, China, 2012 Ma et al. (2021): study CN 2014 Happiness and farm productivity: insights from maiize farmers in China Farmers, China, 2014