

Brinkerhoff & Jacob (1986): study ZZ Anglo-America 1983


Brinkerhoff, M.B.; Jacob, J.C.
Quality of Life in an Alternative Lifestyle: The Smallholding Movement.
Social Indicators Research, 1986, Vol. 18, 153 - 173


'Back to the land' mini-farmers, West USA and Canada,198?
Non-probability purposive sample
N = 510
Non Response
44 %
Questionnaire: Paper & Pencil Interview (PAPI)
Mailed questionnaire

Happiness Measure(s) and Distributional Findings

Full text:
Self report on single question:

Taking all things together, would you say you are.....?
4  very happy
3  quite happy
2  not very happy
1  not at all happy.
Author's label:
General Happiness
Page in publication:

Correlational Findings

Author's label Subject Description Finding Tied to property Current time-usage Value earth care Ecological values
Alternative life style
Value freedom Terminal values Inner peace Terminal values Technical self-reliance Attitudes to farming
Alternative life style
Family skill index Characteristics of family members
Self reliance
Alternative life style
Gender Sex: male (vs female) Marital status Married state (compared to non-married states) Education Level of school-education Occupational level Kind of occupation (profession)
'Objective' socio-economic status
Family income Household income Family size Children in the household Children at home Children in the household Years at residence Time since last move
Alternative life style
Area of origin Rural upbringing
Earlier residence
Property size Size of farm
Land owned
Time for leisure Leisure time Rushed feelings Feeling tranquil (vs restless) Value materialism Economical values
Alternative life style
Outdoor leisure Place of leisure (indoor vs outdoor) Participation Current total social participation Helping neighbours Current helping
People supported
Local politics Political participation Community approval Social acceptance of own values
Popularity in community
Global commitment to lifestyle Ecological values
Alternative life style
Years in urban area Earlier residence Value self-reliance value Economical values
Alternative life style