
Special publics

Special public: Academics

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Additional keywords
scholar, professor, researcher
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List of Studies on this Public

Reference Title of publication Public Skrabanek (1969): study US 1968 Adjustment of Former University Faculty Members to Retirement. Retired faculty members, University, USA, 1968 Gordon & Hall (1974): study US 1971 Self-Image and Stereotypes of Femininity: Their Relationship to Women's Role Conflicts and Coping. Married female graduates of liberal arts college, Univ. of Connecticut, USA,1971 Shamir (1985): study IL 1983 /1 Sex Differences in Psychological Adjustment to Unemployment and Reemployment: A Question of Commitment, Alternatives or Finance? 27-47 aged academics, unemployed and reemployed, Israel, 1983 Flügel (1925): study GB 1920 A Quantitative Study of Feeling and Emotion in Every Day Life. Academics, England, 192? Levy (1978): study US 1977 Some Determinants of Temporal Experience in the Retired and its Correlates. 52-74 aged white male retirees, from two universities Mid-West U.S.A. 1977 Michalos (1980): study CA 1979 Satisfaction and Happiness. University staff members, Guelph Canada, 1979 Borg & Wächterhshäuser (1990): study XZ Germany West 1988 Zur Eukolos-Dyskolos Dimension: Kontrollüberzeugungen und Zufriedenheit. (Satisfaction and Control Belief). Students and professionals, town Germany, 1988 Lance et al. (1989): study US Georgia 1984 A Comparison Between Bottom-Up, Top-Down, and Bidirectional Models of Relationships Between Global and Life Facet Satisfaction. Married academics, university of Georgia, USA, 1984 Nelson (1982): study US 1995 Coping with the Loss of the Father. Scientists , university, USA 1995 Shamir (1986): study IL 1983 Protestant work ethic, work involvement and the psychological impact of unemployment. 27-47 aged academics, followed 6 months, Israel, 1983 Shamir (1985a): study IL 1983 Unemployment and 'Free Time'. The Role of Protestant Work Ethic and Work Involvement. 27-47 aged unemployed male academics, Israel, 1983 Tiedje et al. (1990): study US 1985 Women with Multiple Roles: Role-Compatibility Perceptions, Satisfaction, and Mental Health. Married women with a preschool child, USA, 1985 Stokols et al. (1983): study US 1980 Residential Mobility and Personal Well-Being. University employees, California, USA, 1980 Sheldon et al. (2010): study US 2008 Persistent Pursuit of Need-Satisfying Goals Leads to Increased Happiness: A 6-month Experimental Longitudinal Study. University community members participating in happiness training, USA, 200? Caz & Tanyeri (2018): study TR 2013 The Relationship between Life Satisfaction and Academic Performance: An Example of Sports Science Academics, university sports departments, Turkey, 201? Dilger et al. (2013): study DE 2010 Scholars' physical Appearance, Research Performance and Feelings of Happiness. Scholars, Germany, 2010