
Special publics

Special public: Basic school children

AGE groups Youth Basic school children
Number of studies
Additional keywords
elementary school pupils, elementary school
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List of Studies on this Public

Reference Title of publication Public Simmons et al. (1973): study US 1968 Disturbance in the Self-Image at Adolescence. Public school pupils age 8-18, Baltimore, USA, 1968 Cameron et al. (1973): study US 1971 /2 The Life Satisfaction of Non-Normal Persons. Children, retarded and normal, USA,197? Webb (1915): study GB 1912 /1 Character and Intelligence. An Attempt at an Exact Study of Character. 12 aged, male school pupils, London, England, 1912 Guidubaldi & Perry (1985): study US 1984 Divorce and Mental Health Sequelae for Children: A Two Year Follow-Up of a Nation Wide Sample. School children, first to fitfth grade, USA, 1984 Nelson (1982): study US 1978 /2 Coping with the Loss of the Father. Children, Winnipeg, Manitoba, U.S.A., 1978 Schaefer & Bayley (1963): study US 1929 Maternal Behavior, Child Behavior and Their Intercorrelation. Children followed from age 0 to 18, Berkeley, California, USA, 1929-47 Schaefer & Bayley (1963): study US 1929 /1 Maternal Behavior, Child Behavior and Their Intercorrelation. Girls, followed from age 0 to 18, Berkely, California, USA, 1929-47 Steca et al. (2004): study IT 1990 Self-Efficacy Beliefs as Personal Determinants of Subjective Well-Being across Ages. Elementary school students followed 10 years, Italy,199? Jones (2002a): study CA 1998 Happiness and Optimism among Canada's 12 to 15 Years Old. 12-15 aged, Canada, 1998 Verrips et al. (1999): study NL 1994 Measuring Health-Related Quality of Life in a Child Population. 8-11 aged, children . The Netherlands, 199? Sturms et al. (2003): study NL 1999 Young Traffic Victims' Long-Term Health-Related Quality of Life: Child Self-Reports and Parental Reports. 8-15 aged, 3 year after a trafic accident, The Netherlands, 1999 TerBogt et al. (2003): study NL 2001 Psychische Gezondheid, Risicogedrag en Welbevinden van Nederlandse Scholieren. ( Psychlogical Health, Risk Behavior and Well-Being of Dutch Adolescents). 11-15 aged schoolchildren, the Netherlands, 2001 Perquin (2002): study NL 1976 Chronic Pain in Children and Adolescents: Observational Studies. 12-18 aged, in chronic pain. Rotterdam, Netherlands, followed 2 years, 1996-99 Petersen-Ewert et al. (2005): study ZZ Europe 2003 Development and Pilot-Testing of a Health Related Quality of Life Chronic Generic Module for Children and Adolescents with Chronic Health Conditions: A European Perspective. 8-16 aged chronic patients, 7 EU countries, 2003 Zuzanek (2006): study CA 2001 Adolescent Time use and Well-Being from a Comparative Perspective. 12-19 aged, Ontario, Canada, 2001/2003 Brown & Kasser (2005): study US 2005 Are Psychological and Ecological Well-Being Compatible? The Role of Values, Mindfulness, and Lifestyle. 10+ aged, middle and high school students, USA Holder et al. (2010): study CA 2005 Spirituality, Religiousness, and Happiness in Children aged 8-12 Years. 8-12 aged children, 2 schools, Canada, 200? Bevans et al. (2010): study US 2005 Development of the Health Pathways Child-Report Scales. School children, USA, 200? Tyerman (1958): study GB 1946 A Research into Truancy. 10-16 aged truants and controls, Wales, UK, 1946-52 Livson & Peskin (1967): study US 1933 Prediction of Adult Psychological Health in a Longitudinal Study. 5-16 aged, California, 1933 Rees et al. (2012): study GB 2008 The Good Childhood Report 2012. A Review of Our Children's Well-Being. Children 8-15, United Kingdom, 2010 Zeijl & Kappelhof (2004): study NL 2001 Het Nationale Scholiernonderzoek (NSO) en het Health Behavior in School-Aged Children (HBSC)-Onderzoek Vergeleken. (The National Pupil Research and HBSC- Research Compared). Basic school children, Netherlands, 2001-02 Naidu (1978): study IN Mumbai 1973 Social Agents in Destitute Children's Personal Happiness. 7-11 aged boys living in institution, Bombay, India, 197? Homel & Burns (1989): study AU 1987 Environmental Quality and the Well-Being of Children. Basic school children, Sydney, Australia ,1987 Suldo et al. (2014): study US Florida 2008 Increasing Middle School Students’ Life Satisfaction: Efficacy of a Positive Psychology Group Intervention. 10-12 aged, participants in wellness program, USA, followed 6 months, 2008 Adams et al. (2016): study ZA Cape Town 2011 The Relationship between Children's Perceptions of the Natural Environment and their Subjective Well-Being. 12 years aged, elementary school pupils, Capetown, South Africa, 201? Carter et al. (2016): study GB Wales 2013 Happy thoughts: Enhancing Well-Being in the Classroom with a positive events Diary. School children, aged 9 and 11, Wales, United Kingdom, 2013 Rees et al. (2010): study GB 2010 Developing an Index of Children's Subjective Well-Being in England. Children aged 8-15, England, 2010 Castelli et al. (2018): study CH 2017 Monitoring Preadolescents' Well-being: Italian Validation of the Middle Years Development Instrument 6-12 aged, Ticino canton,,Switzerland , 2017 Lau & Li (2011): study CN Guangdong 2010 The Extent of Family and School Social Capital Promoting Positive Subjective Well-Being among Primary School Children in Shenzhen, China. Basic school children, Guangdong, China, 2010 Froh et al. (2009a): study US 2006 Who Benefits the Most from a Gratitude Intervention in Children and Adolescents? Examining Positive Affect as a Moderator. 8-19 aged participants in a gratitude intervention and controls, USA, 200? Schütz et al. (2015): study BR Porto Alegre 2013 Subjective Well-Being of Children in Residential Care Centers: Comparison between Children in Institutional Care and Children Living with their Families. Children, aged 8-12, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 2013 Owens & Patterson (2013): study US 2008 Positive Psychological Interventions for Children: A Comparison of Gratitude and Best Possible Selves Approaches 5-11 aged children participating in a psychological training and controls, USA, 200? Abedi & Vostanis (2010): study IR 2008 Evaluation of Quality of Life Therapy for Parents of Children with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders in Iran Chlidren with obsessive compulsive disorder, mothers of which received a training or not. Iran, Isphahan, 2008 Ward et al. (2016): study NZ 2014 The Impact of Children´s Exposure to Greenspace on Physical Activity, Cognitive Development, Emotional Wellbeing, and Ability to Appraise Risk. Basic school children, followed 7 days, New Zealand, 2014 Tonon et al. (2019): study AR Buenos Aires Metropolitan area 2016 Leisure, Free Time and Well-Being of 10 Years Old Children Living in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina 10 years old Children, Argentina, 2016 Rees et al. (2020): study DZ 2016 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 8 years old children, Algeria, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study BD 2016 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 8 years old children, Bangladesh, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study BE 2016 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 8 years old children, Belgium, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study BR 2016 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 8 years old children, Brazil, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study CL 2016 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 8 years old children, Chile, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study HR 2016 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 8 years old children, Croatia, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study EE 2016 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 8 years old children, Estonia, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study FI 2016 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 8 years old children, Finland, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study HU 2016 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 8 years old children, Hungary, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study IN 2016 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 8 years old children, India, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study ID 2016 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 8 years old children, Indonesia, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study IL 2016 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 8 years old children, Israel, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study IT 2016 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 8 years old children, Italy, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study MY 2016 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 8 years old children, Malaysia, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study MT 2016 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 8 years old children, Malta, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study PL 2016 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 8 years old children, Poland, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study RO 2016 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 8 years old children, Romania, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study KR 2016 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 8 years old children, Korea (South), 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study ES 2016 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 8 years old children, Spain, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study TW 2016 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 8 years old children, Taiwan, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study VN 2016 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 8 years old children, Vietnam, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study AL 2016 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 10-12 years old children, Albania, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study DZ 2016 /1 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 10-12 years old children, Algeria, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study BD 2016 /1 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 10-12 years old children, Bangladesh, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study BE 2016 /1 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 10-12 years old children, Belgium, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study BR 2016 /1 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 10-12 years old children, Brazil, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study CL 2016 /1 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 10-12 years old children, Chile, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study HR 2016 /1 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 10-12 years old children, Croatia, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study EE 2016 /1 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 10-12 years old children, Estonia, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study FI 2016 /1 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 10-12 years old children, Finland, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study FR 2016 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 10 years old children, France, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study DE 2016 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 10-12 years old children, Germany, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study GR 2016 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 10-years old children, Greece, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study HK 2016 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 10-12 years old children, Hong Kong, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study HU 2016 /1 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 10-12 years old children, Hungary, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study IN 2016 /1 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 10-12 years old children, India, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study ID 2016 /1 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 10-12 years old children, Indonesia, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study IL 2016 /1 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 10-12 years old children, Israel, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study IT 2016 /1 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 10-12 years old children, Italy, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study MY 2016 /1 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 10- years old children, Malaysia, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study MT 2016 /1 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 10-12 years old children, Malta, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study NA 2016 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 10-12 years old children, Namibia, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study NP 2016 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 10-12 years old children, Nepal, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study NO 2016 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 10-12 years old children, Norway, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study PL 2016 /1 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 10-12 years old children, Poland, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study RO 2016 /1 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 10-12 years old children, Romania, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study RU 2016 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 10-12 years old children, Russia, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study ZA 2016 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 10-12 years old children, South Africa, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study KR 2016 /1 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel Basic school children, Korea (South), 2016 - 2019 Rees et al. (2020): study ES 2016 /1 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 10-12 years old children, Spain, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study LK 2016 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 10-12 years old children, Sri Lanka, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study CH 2016 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 10 years old children, Switzerland, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study TW 2016 /1 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 10-12 years old children, Taiwan, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study GB 2016 /1 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 10 years old children, United Kingdom, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study GB 2016 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 10-12 years old children, United Kingdom, 2016-2019 Rees et al. (2020): study VN 2016 /1 Children’s Views on Their Lives and Well Being in 35 Countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds Project, 2016-19 . Jerusalem, Israel 10-12 years old children, Viet Nam, 2016-2019 Chen et al. (2005): study JP 1999 Associations of Lifestyle Factors with quality of life (QOL) in Japanese children: a 3-year follow-up of the Toyama Birth Cohort Study. 9-10 aged children followed 3 years, Japan 1999-2002 Cubas Barragan (2008): study MX Chiapas 2003 Happiness and Education. A Research on Values based Education Basic school children, Mexico, 200?