
Special publics

Special public: Generation

AGE groups Generation
Number of studies
Additional keywords
age group, cohort
Related correlational subjects
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List of Studies on this Public

Reference Title of publication Public Stacey & Gatz (1991): study US 1971 Cross-Sectional Age Differences and Longitudinal Change on the Bradburn Affect Balance Scale. Three generations of family members, followed 14 years, USA, 1971-85 Wilken & Kemmler (1997): study XZ Germany West 1985 Ledige Frauen der Kriegsgeneration: Eine explorative Studie zu ihrer Lebenszielen und ihrer Lebenszufriedenheit. (Never-Married Women of the World War II Generation: An Explorative Study of Their Life Goals and Their Life Satisfaction). 66-80 aged women, Germany,1985 Ventegodt (1997): study DK 1993 Livskvalitet og Omstaedigheder Tidligt I Livet. (The Quality of Life and Factors in Pregnancy, Birth and Infancy). 31-33 aged, born at the university hospital, Denmark, 1993 Ventegodt (1996): study DK 1993 Liskvalitet hos 4500 31-33-arige. (The Quality of Life of 4500 31-33-Years-Olds). 31-33 aged, Denmark 1993, born in University Hospital in Copenhagen TerBogt et al. (2003): study NL 2001 Psychische Gezondheid, Risicogedrag en Welbevinden van Nederlandse Scholieren. ( Psychlogical Health, Risk Behavior and Well-Being of Dutch Adolescents). 11-15 aged schoolchildren, the Netherlands, 2001 Lang (1999): study DE 1997 Ostdeutsche Befindlichkeiten ein Jahrzehnt nach der Wende - Ambivalente Spuren des Umbruchs. (Attitudes in East Germany 10 Years after Reunification). 20-24 and 40-44 aged, Germany, 1997 Moller (1996): study ZA 1992 Intergenerational Relations and the Time Use in Urban Black South African Households. Urban blacks in 3-generation households, South Africa, 1992 Easterlin (2002a): study US 1972 Happiness of Women and Men in Later Life: Nature, Determinants and Prospects. 50+ aged, USA, followed 26 years 1972-1998 Wassell (2015): study ZZ 1981 Do Maternity Leave Variables Influence Happiness or Life-Satisfaction? 30-60 aged, 4 western nations, 1981-2008, born before or after extension of maternity leave in nation