

Ventegodt (1996): study DK 1993


Ventegodt, S.
Liskvalitet hos 4500 31-33-arige. (The Quality of Life of 4500 31-33-Years-Olds).
Forskningscentrets Forlag, 1996, Copenhagen, Denmark


31-33 aged, Denmark 1993, born in University Hospital in Copenhagen
Non-probability chunk sample
N = 4611
Non Response
Questionnaire: Paper & Pencil Interview (PAPI)
Mailed questionnaire

Happiness Measure(s) and Distributional Findings

Full text:
Single direct question:

How are you feeling now....?
5  very good
4  good
3  neither good nor poor
2  poor
1  very poor
Author's label:
immediate self-experienced well-being
The 5 verbal answer-categories were transformed to
cumulative percentages
1 = very poorly   -> 10%
2 = poorly            -> 30%
3 = neither /nor  -> 50%
4 = good              -> 70%
5  = very good   -> 90%
The in this way  transformed mean is 71,9
See Ventegodt, 1995: Measuring the Quality of Life, page 64-67
Page in publication:
Observed distribution
1: 0.7%,   2: 4.6%,   3: 14.3%,   4: 45.3%,   5: 35.1%   (total 100%)
Summary Statistics
On original range 1 - 5 On range 0-10
4.10 7.74
0.86 2.14
Full text:
Self report on single question:

'How satisfied are you with your life now?'
5  very satisfied
2  satisfied
3  neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
2  dissatisfied
1  very dissatisfied
Author's label:
life satisfaction

Original text in Danish:
'Hvor tilfreds er du med dit liv for tiden?'
5  meget tilfreds
4  tilfreds
3  hverken tilfreds eller utilfreds
2  utilfreds
1  meget  utilfreds
The 5 verbal answer-categories were transformed to cumulative percentages
1 = very poorly   -> 10%
2 = poorly            -> 30%
3 = neither /nor  -> 50%
4 = good              -> 70%
5  = very good   -> 90%
Thus transformed the mean is 69,3
See Ventegodt, 1995: Measuring the Quality of Life, page 64-67
Page in publication:
Observed distribution
1: 1%,   2: 6.8%,   3: 15.3%,   4: 48.5%,   5: 28.5%   (total 100.1%)
Summary Statistics
On original range 1 - 5 On range 0-10
3.97 7.42
0.89 2.23
Full text:
Self report on single question

How happy are you now?
5  very happy
4  happy
3  neither happy nor unhappy
2  unhappy
1  very unhappy
Author's label:
The 5 verbal answer-categories were transformed to
cumulative percentages
1 = very poorly   -> 10%
2 = poorly            -> 30%
3 = neither /nor  -> 50%
4 = good              -> 70%
5  = very good   -> 90%
Thus transformed the mean is 66,2
See Ventegodt, 1995: Measuring the Quality of Life, page 64-67
Page in publication:
Observed distribution
1: 0.7%,   2: 3.1%,   3: 31.4%,   4: 44.3%,   5: 20.5%   (total 100%)
Summary Statistics
On original range 1 - 5 On range 0-10
3.81 7.02
0.82 2.04

Correlational Findings

Author's label Subject Description Finding gender Sex: male (vs female) height Height weight Weight marital status MARRIAGE: CURRENT MARITAL STATUS
Married (vs never married)
Married (vs widowed)
Married (vs divorced)
Married (vs separated)
Married vs earlier married (widowed + separated + divorced)
Married vs will-full unmarried (never married + divorced)
social group 'Objective' socio-economic status family social group SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS
type of housing Type of current dwelling co-habitants Children in the household
Living in communal household
Contacts with relatives
Current household-composition
Living alone or not
Living with children
Non-biological children
residence (country/town) Community size
Region in Denmark
county of residence Region in Denmark annual income Personal income durable consumer goods Specific possessions assesment of one's financial circumstances Satisfaction with financial situation satisfaction with one's financial circumstances Satisfaction with financial situation attending school or university Current stage in school-career
Intellectual level of school
type of education School-type type of completed vocational education Educational specialization
Vocational education
completed vocational education in 4 levels Educational specialization
Vocational education
main occupation Full-time home maker
Income from social security
Current occupation
Current status: retired or not
Involved in schooling or not
Self employed
number of subordinates Current leadership behavior
Occupational level
Job type Kind of occupation (profession) management in public/private sphere Characteristics of current occupation
Private versus public sector
kind of employment Kind of occupation (profession) meaningful work Perceived usefulness of one's life
Perceived usefulness of one's work
satisfaction with work Satisfaction with work-as-a-whole feeling good at work Current satisfaction with work
Mood during work
physical work environment Satisfaction with work conditions social work environment Satisfaction with colleagues relations with fellow workers Satisfaction with colleagues with/without children Development of parental status
Current parental status
current employment status Current employment status
Income from social security
Private versus public sector
meaningful work Perceived usefulness of one's work employment / years of schooling Current employment status
Years schooling
employment / partner / friend Current employment status
Current number of friends
Steady love-relation
Married state (compared to non-married states)
employed / satisfaction with sex /daily contacts Current employment status
Satisfaction with sex-life
Current personal contacts
employment / meaning in life Current employment status
Overall judgement of meaningfulness of one's life
relations with oneself Evaluation of self-as-a-whole rating of one's financial means Satisfaction with financial situation hours of exercise Physical activity diet Current nutrition acohol consumption Use of alcohol smoking Use of tobacco
Stopped smoking
Earlier use of tobacco
psychotropic drugs Earlier use of stimulants self-perceived mental health Overall self estimate of mental health self-perceived physical health Self-perceived health satisfaction with one's own health Satisfaction with health sick days last year Days ill type of health problems Symptoms of bad health
Problems with health
number of health problems Number of health complaints number of severe health problems Number of health complaints medical treatment In treatment or not
Alternative treatment
diseases diagnosis and current diseases(main catagories) Expert rating of health current diseases and conditions Current disease (who icd-10 classification) mental disorders Self ratings of mental health kind of medical treatment Illness treated operation under general anaesthesia Surgery
Earlier anesthesia
bodymass index Weight acceptance of own body Evaluation of aspects of self abortion Specific earlier life-events
Earlier abortion
Earlier abortion
relations with oneself Self-characterization self-image Self-characterization view of positive life Multiple aspect evaluations of life
Psychological-morale inventories
loneliness Feeling lonely (vs not) contemplating suicide Suicidal intentions meaning in life Overall judgement of meaningfulness of one's life acceptance of one's own body Evaluation of aspects of self problems as challenges Current problems self-confidant Feeling self-confident (vs inadequate)
feelings at home Attitudes to household-composition
Mood at home
feelings during leisure Satisfaction with leisure
Mood during leisure
sexual activity Sexual activity satisfaction with one's sexlife Satisfaction with sex-life sexual preferences Sexual preference attractiveness Self rating of good looks
Self-perceived reputation
Attitudes to one's sex-life
sexual problems:having or not Problems with sex sexual problems, kind of Problems with sex having a partner Earlier love-life
Steady love-relation
Earlier marital states
Married state (compared to non-married states)
relations with one's partner Perceived quality of intimate ties
Satisfaction with marriage
relations with one's previous partner Earlier love-life
Earlier marriage relationship(s)
Characteristics of earlier marriage-relationship(s)
Satisfaction with earlier marriage-relationship(s)
satisfaction with one's relationship situation Perceived quality of intimate ties
Satisfaction with current love-life
Satisfaction with marriage
length of relationship History of current marriage partner's main occupation Occupation of spouse partners income Income of spouse difference in educational levels(self-partner) Education of spouse having children Current parental status relations with one's children Current relation with one's children satisfaction with one's situation regarding children Satisfaction with parenting childlessness Pregnant
Childlessness voluntary or not
Development of parental status
Current parental status
number of biological children Number of children children living at home Children in the household
Current characteristics of one's children
single breadwinner Full-time home maker
Oneself-mother: works (vs not)
Married state (compared to non-married states)
Main breadwinner
type of parents( biological, adoptive) Family composition (earlier for adults, current for young)
Non-biological child
satisfaction with parents Attitudes to family of origin relations with parents Satisfaction with parenting brothers and sisters Characteristics of siblings relations with one's siblings Relations with siblings talk with close friends Current contacts with friends relations with friends Current contacts with friends satisfaction with friends Satisfaction with personal contacts daily personal contacts Perceived opportunities for contacts satisfaction with aquaintances Satisfaction with friends the quality of the social relations Current personal contacts relations with society Current attitudes to nation satisfaction with society Current attitudes to nation feeling part of a larger whole Feeling part of larger whole believing that people speak well of oneself Self-perceived reputation relations with nature Attitude to local natural environment
Feeling part of larger whole
satisfaction with the local natural environment Attitude to local natural environment values Specific concerns
Value set
"masculine" and "feminine" values" Feminine value pattern materialistic/spiritual values Materialistic values
Existential values
number of values Value-pattern number of types of values Value-pattern
Modern value pattern
Diversity of values
attitude to the questionaire Questioning
Respondents attitudes to interview
questionaire as fully adequate Questioning
Respondents attitudes to interview
personal resources towards the questionaire Respondents attitudes to interview questionaire's unethical questions Questioning
Respondents attitudes to interview
response time in days Respondent behavior perceived quality of life Single aspect evaluations (on criteria of good life)
Feeling good O-HL by A-AOL
Current mood of the moment
life satisfaction O-HL by O-SL
happiness O-HL by O-SL
fulfilment of needs Aspect judgements of one's life as a whole
Fulfilled/rewarding (vs frustrating)
Gratifying (vs frustrating)
feelings at home,at work, at leisure time Family + leisure + work
satisfaction with relations Satisfaction with personal contacts expression of life's potentials Multiple aspect evaluations of life
Later need for self-actualization
objective factors UNCLASSIFIED fulfilment of basic biological needs Fulfilled/rewarding (vs frustrating) fulfilment of social needs Aspect judgements of one's life as a whole fulfiment of need to be useful Meaningful (vs useless)
Satisfaction with contributions to others
fulfilment of the need for an exciting and varied life Exiting (vs dull)
Sensation seeking
fulfilment of the need for self-realization Aspect judgements of one's life as a whole
Self-actualization (need for)
Satisfaction with self-realization
denial of needs Aspect judgements of one's life as a whole
Gratifying (vs frustrating)
physical exercise and health Physical activity diet and health Current nutrition alcohol consumption and health Use of alcohol smoking and health Use of tobacco healthy lifestyle Current healthy life-style smoking per day (cigarettes equivalents) Use of tobacco with/without partner Steady love-relation
Married state (compared to non-married states)