
Special publics

Special public: Working age

AGE groups Adults Working age
Number of studies
Additional keywords
labor force, age 18-65
Related publics
Related correlational subjects

List of Studies on this Public

Reference Title of publication Public Allardt (1973): study DK 1972 About Dimensions of Welfare: An Explanatory Analysis of a Comparative Scandinavian Survey. 15-64 aged, general public, Denmark, 1972 Allardt (1973): study FI 1972 About Dimensions of Welfare: An Explanatory Analysis of a Comparative Scandinavian Survey. 15-64 aged, general public, Finland, 1972 Allardt (1973): study NO 1972 About Dimensions of Welfare: An Explanatory Analysis of a Comparative Scandinavian Survey. 15-64 aged, general public, Norway, 1972 Allardt (1973): study SE 1972 About Dimensions of Welfare: An Explanatory Analysis of a Comparative Scandinavian Survey. 15-64 aged, general public, Sweden, 1972 DeGoede & Maassen (1987): study NL 1982 Niet Jong en Niet Oud: Verschillen in Omgaan met Werkeloosheid. (Not Young and Not Old: Differences in Coping with Unemployment.) 25-55 aged males, unemployeds and controls, The Netherlands, 1982/2 Veenhoven (1974): study NL 1968 Is There an Innate Need for Children? 25 - 65 aged marrieds, The Netherlands, 1968 Veenhoven & Bakker (1975): study NL 1968 School education and Psychological Well-Being. 20-65 aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1968 Bakker & VandeBerg (1974): study NL 1968 Determinanten en Correlaten van Geluk.(Determinants and Correlates of Happiness). 20-65 aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1968 Haavio-Mannila (1971): study FI 1966 Satisfaction with Family, Work, Leisure and Life among Men and Women. 15-64 aged, general public, Finland, 1966 Moser-Peters (1969): study NL Utrecht 1967 Achtergronden van Geluksgevoelens. (Backgrounds of Happiness Feelings). 21-65 aged general public, City of Utrecht,The Netherlands, 1967 Ormel (1980): study NL 1970 Moeite met Leven of een Moeilijk Leven. (Difficulties with Living or a Difficult Life). 15-60 aged, general public, followed 12 month, The Netherlands, 1967-77 Austrom (1984): study CA Ontario 1979 The Consequences of Being Single. 23-59 aged, general public, Ontario, Canada, 1979 Headey & Veenhoven (1989): study AU AU Victoria 1981 Does Happiness Induce a Rosy Outlook? 18-65 aged, general public, followed 6 years, Melbourne, Australia, 1981-87 Headey et al. (1984a): study AU 1978 The Impact of Life Events and Changes in Domain Satisfactions on Well-Being. 18-65 aged, general public, followed 3 years, Melbourne, Australia, 1979-80 Abramson et al. (1981): study US 1979 Pilot Analysis of a Happiness Questionnaire. 20-65 aged, general public, USA, 198? Mastekaasa & Moum (1984): study NO 1971 The Perceived Quality of Life in Norway: Regional Variations and Contextual Effects. 15-64 aged, general public, Norway, 1971 Richards et al. (1984): study US 1981 The Influence of Serious Personal Losses or Misfortunes on Life Satisfaction. 25-59 aged, general public, USA, 1981 Cohen et al. (1982): study US 1979 Community Stressors, Mediating Conditions and Well-Being in Urban Neighbourhoods. 18-55 aged, general public, New York City, 1979 Bradburn (1969): study US 1963 The Structure of Psychological Well-Being. 21-60 aged, urban areas, USA, 1963 - 64 Verkleij & Stolk (1989): study MZ 1983 Does Happiness Lead into Idleness? 30-50 aged, in working force, followed 1 year, urban areas, Netherlands, 1983-84 Bränholm & Degerman (1992): study SE 1990 /1 Life Satisfaction and Activity Preferences in Parents of Down's Syndrome Children. 25-55 aged, general public, Umea, northern Sweden, 1990 Bränholm et al. (1991): study SE 1986 On Work and Life Satisfaction. 25-55 aged, vocationally actives, Umea, Northern Sweden, 1986/87 Becker & Vink (1984): study NL 1982 Werklozen, Arbeidsongeschikten en Werkenden Vergeleken. ( A Comparison between the Unemployed, Disabled Workers and the Employed). 18-64 aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1982 Lee (1998): study KR 1996 Marital Status, Gender, and Subjective Quality of Life in Korea. 20-60 aged, general public, South Korea, 1996 Headey & Wearing (1986): study AU AU Victoria 1981 Chains of Well-Being, Chains of Ill-Being. An Australian Panel Study, 1981-1985. 18-65 aged, general public, Victoria, Australia, followed 1981-985 Headey et al. (1991): study AU AU Victoria 1981 Top-down versus Bottom-up Theories of Subjective Well-Being. 18-65 aged, general public, Victoria, Australia, followed 1981-1987 Headey et al. (1993): study AU AU Victoria 1981 Dimensions of Mental Health: Life Satisfaction, Positive Affect, Anxiety and Depression. 18-65 aged, Victoria, Australia, followed 1981 to 1987 Headey & Krause (1994): study AU 1981 Inequalities of Income, Health and Happiness: The Stratification Paradigm and Alternatives. 18-65 aged, general public, Victoria, Australia, followed from 1981 to 1989 Gerlach & Stephan (1996): study XZ Germany West 1984 A Paper on Unhappiness and Unemployment in Germany. 16-65 aged, general public, Germany, followed from 1984 to1993 Deen et al. (2005): study NL 2005 Het Geluk van Werkend Nederland 2005. (The Happiness of Working People in the Netherlands in 2005). 16-64 aged workers, The Netherlands, 2005 Merens (2007): study NL 2004 Het Geluk van de Marokkaanse Vrouw. (The Happiness of Moroccan Women.) 15-64 aged, living in cities, Netherlands, 2004 Gijsberts (2007): study NL 2004 Laagopgeleide Allochtonen relatief Tevreden met de Nederlandse Samenleving. (Low Educated Immigrants Relatively Satisfied with Dutch Society.) City dwellers, aged 15-64, Netherlands, 2004 Cloin & Wennekers (2007): study NL 2004 Een Gelukkige Combinatie. (A Happy Combination). 20-65-aged; Netherlands, 2004 VanDenBroek (2007): study NL 2004 Meer Mens met Vitamine C. ( On Culture and Happiness). 15-65 aged natives, living in big cities, The Netherlands, 2004 Heinonen et al. (2004): study FI 1997 Is the Evaluation of the Global Quality of Life Determined by Emotional Status? 25-65 aged, 5 regions, Finland, 1997 Luechinger et al. (2008): study US 1976 Why does Unemployment Hurt the Unemployed? Evidence from the Life Satisfaction Gap between the Public and Privat Sector. Employees public and private sector, USA, 1976-2002. Oswald & Powdthavee (2007): study GB 1999 Death, Happiness, and the Calculation of Compensatory Damages. 16-65 aged, United Kingdom, 1999 -2004 Powdthavee (2008): study GB 1997 Putting a Price Tag on Friends, Relatives, and Neighbours: Using Surveys of Life Satisfaction to Value Social Relationships. 16-65 aged Great-Britain, followed 6 years, 1997-2003 Godoy-Izquierdo et al. (2009): study ES Granada, Andalucía 2004 Balance Afectivo en Hombres y Mujeres: Implicaciones de la Edad y el Sexo. (Affect Balance amon Men and Women: Implications of Age and Sex). 18-64 aged, healthy people, Granada, Spain, 2004 Else-Quest et al. (2005): study US 1992 Context Counts: Long-Term Sequelae of Premarital Intercourse of Abstinence. 18-59 aged, USA, 1992 Inoguchi & Fujii (2009): study JP 2009 Country Profile of Japan: Citizens' Perception of Quality of Life, Social Capital, and Governance 20-69 aged, general public, Japan, 2009 Welsch (2002a): study ZZ 1990 Preferences over Prosperity and Pollution: Environmental Valuation based on Happiness Surveys. Adults, general public, 54 nations, 1990s Olivier (2009): study NL 2006 Het Effect van Vreemdgaan op Geluk . (The Effect of Adultery on Happiness.) 19-69 aged, general public, The Netherlands, 2006 Spellerberg et al. (1992): study DE East Germany 1990 Orientierungen und subjektives Wohlbefinden in West- und Ost Deutschland. (Concerns and Subjective Well-Being in West and East Germany). 18-65 aged, general public, East Germany, 1990 Miles & Rossi (2007): study ES 2001 Learning about one's Relative Position and Subjective Well-Being. 16-65 aged, satisfied public sector workers, Spain, 2001-03 Yao et al. (2009): study TW 2006 The Quality of Life in Taiwan. 20-69, aged, general public, Taiwan, 2006 Inoguchi & Fujii (2009a): study JP 2006 The Quality of Life in Japan. 20-69 aged, general public, Japan, 2006 Shu & Zhu (2009): study CN 2006 The Quality of Life in China. 20-69 aged, general public, China, 2006 Sing (2009a): study HK 2006 The Quality of Life in Hong Kong. 20-69 aged, general public, Hong Kong, 2006 Bergsma et al. (2011a): study NL 1996 Most People with Mental Disorders are Happy: A 3-year Follow-Up in the Dutch General Population. 18-65 aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1996-1998 Muffels & Kemperman (2011): study XZ Germany West 1984 Does a Better Job Match Make Women Happier? Work Orientations, Work-Care Choices and Subjective Well-Being in Germany. 20-55 aged, women, Germany, 1984-2007 Nauenburg (2002): study AT 1999 Euro Module Data Tables, June 2002 18-65 aged, general public, Austria, 1999 Future Life Survey (2011): study JP 1999 Future life Survey Adults, 18-69 aged, general public, Japan, 1999 Future Life Survey (2011): study JP 1997 Future life Survey Adults,18-69 aged, general public, Japan, 1997 Future Life Survey (2011): study JP 1995 Future life Survey Adults, 18-69 aged, general public, Japan, 1995 Future Life Survey (2011): study JP 2001 Future life Survey Adults, 18-69 aged, general public, Japan, 2001 Inoguchi et al. (2005): study JP 2003 Values and Life Styles in Urban Asia. A Cross-Cultural Analysis and Sourcebook. Base on the Asia Barometer Survey 2003. Working aged (20-59), Japan, 2003 Inoguchi et al. (2005): study KR 2003 Values and Life Styles in Urban Asia. A Cross-Cultural Analysis and Sourcebook. Base on the Asia Barometer Survey 2003. Working aged (20-59), Korea,(South), 2003 Inoguchi et al. (2005): study CN 2003 Values and Life Styles in Urban Asia. A Cross-Cultural Analysis and Sourcebook. Base on the Asia Barometer Survey 2003. Working aged (20-59), urban areas, China, 2003 Inoguchi et al. (2005): study MY 2003 Values and Life Styles in Urban Asia. A Cross-Cultural Analysis and Sourcebook. Base on the Asia Barometer Survey 2003. Working agedd (20-59), Malaysia, 2003 Inoguchi et al. (2005): study TH 2003 Values and Life Styles in Urban Asia. A Cross-Cultural Analysis and Sourcebook. Base on the Asia Barometer Survey 2003. Working aged (20-59), Thailand, 2003 Inoguchi (2003): study VN 2003 Asia Barometer Survey 2003 Working aged (20-59), urban areas, Viet Nam, 2003 Inoguchi (2003): study MM 2003 Asia Barometer Survey 2003 Working aged (20-59) urban areas, Myanmar, 2003 Inoguchi (2003): study LK 2003 Asia Barometer Survey 2003 Working aged (20-59), urban areas, Sri Lanka, 2003 Inoguchi (2003): study UZ 2003 Asia Barometer Survey 2003 Working aged (20-59) urban areas, Uzbekistan, 2003 Inoguchi (2003): study IN 2003 Asia Barometer Survey 2003 Working aged (20-59) urban areas, India, 2003 Yoshino (2007b): study LK 2005 East Asia Value Survey. The Statistical Analysis of Trust. Adult general public, urban areas, Sri Lanka, 2005 Abeyratne (2008): study LK 2004 Sri Lanka: Regional Discontent of Development Disparities. Working age people, urban areas, Sri Lanka, 2004 Inoguchi (2006): study VN 2006 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Viet Nam, 2006 Inoguchi (2006): study TW 2006 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Taiwan, 2006 Inoguchi (2006): study SG 2006 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Singapore, 2006 Inoguchi (2006): study KR 2006 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Korea,(South), 2006 Inoguchi (2006): study JP 2006 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Japan, 2006 Inoguchi (2006): study HK 2006 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Hong Kong, 2006 Inoguchi (2006): study CN 2006 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), China, 2006 Inoguchi (2006): study CN Beijing 2003 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Beijing, China, 2003 Inoguchi (2003): study CN Shanghai 2003 Asia Barometer Survey 2003 Working aged (20-59), City of Shanghai, China, 2003 Inoguchi (2003): study CN Guangzhou,guangdong 2003 Asia Barometer Survey 2003 Working aged (20-59), City of Guangzhou, Guangdong, China, 2003 Inoguchi (2003): study CN Dalian,liaoning 2003 Asia Barometer Survey 2003 Working aged (20-59), City of Dalian, Liaoning, China, 2003 Inoguchi (2003): study CN Qīngdǎo (Tsingtao) 2003 Asia Barometer Survey 2003 Working aged (20-59), City of Qīngdǎo (Tsingtao), China, 2003 Inoguchi (2006): study CN Chongqin 2003 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Chongqin, China, 2003 Inoguchi (2003): study CN Xian 2003 Asia Barometer Survey 2003 Working aged (20-59), City of Xian, China, 2003 Inoguchi (2006): study CN Nanjing,jiangsu 2003 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, 2003 Inoguchi (2006): study IN Delhi 2003 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Delhi, India, 2003 Inoguchi (2006): study IN Mumbai 2003 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Mumbai, India, 2003 Inoguchi (2006): study IN Kolkata 2003 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Kolkata, India, 2003 Inoguchi (2006): study IN Chennai 2003 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Chennai, India, 2003 Inoguchi (2006): study MY Perak 2003 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Perak, Malaysia, 2003 Inoguchi (2006): study MY Selangor 2003 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Selangor, Malaysia, 2003 Inoguchi (2006): study MY Johor 2003 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Johor, Malaysia, 2003 Inoguchi (2006): study MM Yangon 2003 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Yangon, Myanmar, 2003 Inoguchi (2006): study MM Mandalay 2003 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Mandalay, Myanmar, 2003 Inoguchi (2006): study MM Lashio 2003 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Lashio, Myanmar, 2003 Inoguchi (2003): study MM Pathein 2003 Asia Barometer Survey 2003 Working aged (20-59), City of Pathein, Myanmar, 2003 Inoguchi (2006): study KR 2003 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Korea,(South), 2003 Inoguchi (2006): study KR Kyeonggi/Gyeonggi Do 2003 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), ,Kyeonggi/Gyeonggi Do, Korea,(South), 2003 Inoguchi (2006): study KR Kyeongnam/South Gyeongsang 2003 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Kyeongnam/South Gyeongsang, Korea,(South), 2003 Inoguchi (2003): study LK Colombo 2003 Asia Barometer Survey 2003 Working aged (20-59), City of Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2003 Inoguchi (2006): study LK Kandy 2003 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Kandy, Sri Lanka, 2003 Inoguchi (2006): study LK Galle 2003 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Galle, Sri Lanka, 2003 Inoguchi (2006): study TH Bangkok 2003 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Bangkok, Thailand, 2003 Inoguchi (2006): study TH Chiang Mai 2003 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2003 Inoguchi (2006): study TH Nankonratsi (Nakhon Ratchasima) 2003 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Nankonratsi (Nakhon Ratchasima), Thailand, 2003 Inoguchi (2006): study TH Khonkaen 2003 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Khonkaen, Thailand, 2003 Inoguchi (2006): study UZ Tashkent 2003 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 2003 Inoguchi (2006): study UZ Samarkand (Samarquand) 2003 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Samarkand (Samarquand), Uzbekistan, 2003 Inoguchi (2006): study UZ Bukhara (Buxora) 2003 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Bukhara (Buxora), Uzbekistan, 2003 Inoguchi (2006): study UZ Urgench (Urgana) 2003 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Urgench (Urgana), Uzbekistan, 2003 Inoguchi (2006): study UZ Fergana (Fargona) 2003 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Fergana (Fargona), Uzbekistan, 2003 Inoguchi (2006): study VN 2003 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Viet Nam, 2003 Inoguchi (2006): study VN Hanoi 2003 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Hanoi, Viet Nam, 2003 Inoguchi (2006): study VN Danang 2003 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Danang, Viet Nam, 2003 Inoguchi (2006): study VN Hcmc, Hochiminh city (Saigon) 2003 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59) aged, Ho-chi-minh city (former Saigon), Viet Nam, 2003 Inoguchi (2006): study VN Can Tho 2003 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Can Tho, Viet Nam, 2003 Inoguchi (2006): study AF Central/Kabul 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Central/Kabul region, Afghanistan, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study AF AF Eastern 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Eastern Afghanistan, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study AF AF South Central 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), South Central Afghanistan, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study AF AF Western 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Western Afghanistan, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study AF AF Northern 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Northern Afghanistan, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study BD Dhaka 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study BD Chittagong 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Chittagong, Bangladesh, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study BD Rajshahi 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Rajshahi, Bangladesh, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study BD Khulna 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Khulna, Bangladesh, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study KZ Almaty 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study KZ KZ North 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), KZ North, Kazakhstan, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study KZ KZ Centre 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), KZ Centre, Kazakhstan, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study KZ KZ East 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), KZ East Kazakhstan, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study KZ KZ South 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), KZ South, Kazakhstan, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study KZ 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Kazakhstan, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study KG Bishkek 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study KG Jalal-Abad oblast 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Jalal-Abad oblast, Kyrgyzstan, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study KG Osh oblast 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Osh oblast, Kyrgyzstan, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study MN Ulaanbaatar 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study MN Khuvsgul (Khösgöl) 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Khuvsgul (Khösgöl), Mongolia, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study MN Dundgobi (Dundgovi) 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Dundgobi (Dundgovi), Mongolia, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study PK Punjab 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Punjab, Pakistan, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study PK Sindh 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Sindh, Pakistan, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study PK North West Frontier Province (Khyber-Pakthunkhwa) 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), North West Frontier Province (Khyber-Pakthunkhwa), Pakistan, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study LK LK-Western 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), LK-Western, Sri Lanka, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study TJ Dushanbe 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Dushanbe, Tajikistan, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study TJ Sogd Region 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Sogd Region, Tajikistan, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study TJ Khatlon Region 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Khatlon Region, Tajikistan, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study TJ TJ Republican Subordination 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), TJ Republican Subordination, Tajikistan, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study TM Ashgabat 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study TM Dashoguz 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Dashoguz, Turkmenistan, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study TM Mary 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Mary, Turkmenistan, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study TM Lebap 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Lebap, Turkmenistan, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study TM Ahal 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Ahal Turkmenistan, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study IN Delhi 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Delhi, India, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study IN Mumbai 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Mumbai, India, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study IN Chennai 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Chennai, India, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study IN Kolkata 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Kolkata, India, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study IN Bangalore 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Bangalore, India, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study IN Hyderabad 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Hyderabad, India, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study IN Ahemedabad 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Ahemedabad, India, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study UZ Tashkent 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study UZ Samarkand (Samarquand) 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Samarkand (Samarquand), Uzbekistan, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study UZ Bukhara (Buxora) 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Bukhara (Buxora), Uzbekistan, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study UZ Urgench (Urgana) 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Urgench (Urgana), Uzbekistan, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study UZ Fergana (Fargona) 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Fergana (Fargona), Uzbekistan, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study UZ Andijan 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Andijan, Uzbekistan, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study UZ Namangan 2005 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Namangan, Uzbekistan, 2005 Inoguchi (2006): study JP Hokkaido/Tohoku 2006 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Hokkaido/Tohoku, Japan, 2006 Inoguchi (2006): study JP Kanto 2006 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Kanto, Japan, 2006 Inoguchi (2006): study JP Chugoku, Shikoku 2006 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Chugoku, Shikoku, Japan, 2006 Inoguchi (2006): study JP Kyushu 2006 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Kyushu, Japan, 2006 Inoguchi (2006): study CN CN East 2006 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), CN East, China, 2006 Inoguchi (2006): study CN CN Center 2006 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), CN Center, China, 2006 Inoguchi (2006): study CN CN West 2006 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), CN West, China, 2006 Inoguchi (2006): study TW TW North 2006 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59),TW North, Taiwan, 2006 Inoguchi (2006): study TW TW West 2006 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), TW West, Taiwan, 2006 Inoguchi (2006): study TW TW South 2006 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59),TW South, Taiwan, 2006 Inoguchi (2006): study JP Chubu, Hokuriku 2006 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Chubu, Hokuriku, Japan, 2006 Inoguchi (2006): study JP Kinki 2006 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Kinki, Japan, 2006 Inoguchi (2006): study KH KH Coastal region 2008 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), KH Coastal region, rCambodia, 2008 Inoguchi (2006): study KH KH Plain region 2008 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), KH Plain region, Cambodia, 2008 Inoguchi (2006): study KH Tonle Sap region 2008 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Tonle Sap region, Cambodia, 2008 Inoguchi (2006): study ID Sumatra 2008 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Sumatra, Indonesia, 2008 Inoguchi (2006): study ID Java 2008 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Java Indonesia, 2008 Inoguchi (2006): study LA LA Northern region 2008 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), LA Northern region, Laos, 2008 Inoguchi (2006): study LA LA Central Region 2008 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), LA Central Region, Laos, 2008 Inoguchi (2006): study LA LA Southern region 2008 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), LA Southern region, Laos, 2008 Inoguchi (2006): study MY MY Northern 2008 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), MY Northern, Malaysia, 2008 Inoguchi (2006): study MY MY Southern 2008 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), MY Southern, Malaysia, 2008 Inoguchi (2006): study MY MY Eastern 2008 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), MY Eastern, Malaysia, 2008 Inoguchi (2006): study MY MY Central 2008 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), MY Central, Malaysia, 2008 Inoguchi (2006): study MY East Malaysia (KK Kuching) 2008 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged, (20-59), East Malaysia (KK Kuching), Malaysia, 2008 Inoguchi (2006): study MM MM Plateau region 2008 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), MM Plateau region, Myanmar, 2008 Inoguchi (2006): study MM MM Central region 2008 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), MM Central region Myanmar, 2008 Inoguchi (2006): study MM MM Delta region 2008 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), MM Delta region, Myanmar, 2008 Inoguchi (2006): study MM MM Hilly region 2008 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), MM Hilly region, Myanmar, 2008 Inoguchi (2006): study PH Manila 2008 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Philippines, 2008 Inoguchi (2006): study PH Banance Luzon 2008 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Banance Luzon, Philippines, 2008 Inoguchi (2006): study PH Visayas 2008 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Visayas, Philippines, 2008 Inoguchi (2006): study PH Mindanao 2008 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Mindanao, Philippines, 2008 Inoguchi (2006): study TH Bangkok 2008 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), City of Bangkok, Thailand, 2008 Inoguchi (2006): study TH Thailand Central 2008 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59),Thailand Central, Thailand, 2008 Inoguchi (2006): study TH Thailand North 2008 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59),Thailand North, Thailand, 2008 Inoguchi (2006): study TH Thailand North-East 2008 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59), Thailand North-East, Thailand, 2008 Inoguchi (2006): study TH Thailand South 2008 Asia Barometer Survey Data 2006 Working aged (20-59),Thailand South, Thailand, 2008 DeVoe & Pfeffer (2009): study US 2002 When Is Happiness About How Much You Earn? The Effect of Hourly Payment on the Money-Happiness Connection. Working people, USA, 2002 DeVoe & Pfeffer (2009): study US 1987 When Is Happiness About How Much You Earn? The Effect of Hourly Payment on the Money-Happiness Connection. Working people, USA, 1987 - 1988 Andersson et al. (2013a): study SE Västra Götalands län 2012 /1 Greenhouse Gas Emission and Subjective Well-Being: An Analysis of Swedish Households. 25-65 aged,general public, southwest Sweden, 2012 Litchfield et al. (2012): study AL 2005 An Analysis of Life Satisfaction in Albania: An Heteroscedastic Ordered Probit Model Approach. Working aged (15-65), Albania, 2005 Erlandsson et al. (2010): study US 1989 Women’s Perceived Frequency of Disturbing Interruptions and Its Relationship to Self-Rated Health and Satisfaction with Life as a Whole. Single black mothers receiving child care, Ohio, United States, 1989 Ahlstrand & Bränholm (1998): study SE 1993 Activity Performance, Life Satisfaction and Locus of Control in Young Women on Sick Leave. 30- aged women on sick leave, Sweden, 199? VanderMeer & Wielers (2013): study ZZ Europe 2004 What Makes Workers Happy? Working people, 20 European countries, 2004. Frijters et al. (2004a): study DE 1991 /1 Money does Matter! Evidence from Increasing Real Income and Life Satisfaction in East Germany following Reunification. 21-64 aged general public, East Germany, 1991-2001 Frijters et al. (2006): study RU 1994 Can the Large Swings in Russian Life Satisfaction be Explained by Ups and Downs in Real Incomes? 18-65 aged general public, Russia, followed yearly, 1994-2001 Pischke (2011): study ZZ Europe 2002 Money and Happiness: Evidence from the industry Wage Structure. 20-64 aged men, Europe, 2002-2008 Green & Heywood (2011): study GB 1999 /1 Flexible Contract and Subjective Wellbeing. 20-65 aged, UK, followed 5 years 1999-2004 Kopmann & Rehdanz (2014): study DE 2004 Underestimated Benefits from Periphery: Internal Migration and Subjective Well-being. Working age people, Germany, followed 5 years 2004-2009 Hetschko (2014): study DE 1991 On the Misery of losing Self-employment. 18-65 aged, general public, Germany, followed yearly, 1991-2012 Schaubert (2015): study DE West Germany 1984 Career, Private Life, and Well-Being among College educated West German Women. 25- 54 aged high educated women, West Germany, followed 25 years 1984-2012 Rudolf & Cho (2011): study KR 1998 The Gender-Specific Effect of Working Hours on Family Happiness in South Korea. Working aged, South-Korea, followed 10 years 1998-2008 Beja Jr. (2013): study ZZ 2000 Who is Happier; The Housewife or the Working Wife? Married women, 44 nations, 2000 Bericat (2016): study ZZ Europe 2006 /1 The Subjective Well-Being of Working Women in Europe. 15-65 aged general public, 25 European nations, 2006 Camp (2016): study DE 2005 Family and Labor Market Policies in Germany: The Well-Being of Working Women. 18-62 aged women, Germany, 2005-2009 Berger (2013): study DE 1994 Happy Working Mothers? Investigating the Effect of Maternal Employment on Life Satisfaction. Mothers, Germany, followed 15 years, 1994-2009 Bertrand (2013): study US 1972 Career, Family and the Well-Being of College-Educated Women. 25-54 aged college-educated women,USA, 1972-2010 Jans-Beken (2018a): study NL 2016 Upward Spirals of Gratitude and Positive Affect in Daily Life: A Time-lagged Ecological Assessment Study Using the Experience Sampling Method. Working aged (18-65), Netherlands, 2016 Wilcke et al. (2007): study NL 2007 Het Geluk van Werkend Nederland 2007. (The Happiness of Working People in the Netherlands in 2007). Working people, the Netherlands, 2007 Wilcke et al. (2007): study NL 2005 Het Geluk van Werkend Nederland 2007. (The Happiness of Working People in the Netherlands in 2007). Working people, the Netherlands, 2005 Inoguchi & Fujii (2013): study ZZ Asia 2003 The Quality of Life in Asia. A Comparison of Quality of Life in Asia Working aged (20-59), 29 Asian nations, 2003-2008 Inoguchi & Fujii (2013): study ZZ Asia 2006 The Quality of Life in Asia. A Comparison of Quality of Life in Asia Working aged (20-59), 15 Asian nations, 2006-2008 Gandelman & Piani (2013): study UY 2007 Quality of Life Satisfaction among Workers and Non-Workers in Uruguay. Working aged (18-64) Uruguay, 2013 Crost (2016): study DE 1992 Can Workfare Programs Offset The Negative Effect of Unemployment on Subjective Well-Being? 18-65 aged, general public, Germany, followed 12 years 1992-2004 Nikolaev (2018): study AU 2001 Does Higher Education Increase Hedonic and Eudaimonic Happiness? Working aged (22-65), Australia, followed 12 years, 2001-2013 Tambyah et al. (2010): study SG 2006 Happiness, Enjoyment, Achievement and Overall Quality of Life. Working aged (20-69), Singapore 2006 Inoguchi & Fujii (2013): study CN 2003 The Quality of Life in Asia. A Comparison of Quality of Life in Asia Working aged (20-69), China, 2003-2008 Tambyah & Tan (2014a): study ID 2004 Subjective Well-Being in ASEAN Working aged (20-69), Indonesia, 2004 Tambyah & Tan (2018): study SG 2006 Subjective Wellbeing (I). Satisfaction with Life, Life Domains and Living in Singapore. Working aged (18-59), Singapore, 2006 Tambyah & Tan (2014a): study MY 2004 Subjective Well-Being in ASEAN Working aged (20-69), Malaysia, 2004 Tambyah & Tan (2014a): study PH 2004 Subjective Well-Being in ASEAN working age (20-26), Philippines, 2004 Tambyah & Tan (2014a): study SG 2004 Subjective Well-Being in ASEAN Working aged (20-69), Singapore, 2004. Tambyah & Tan (2014a): study TH 2004 Subjective Well-Being in ASEAN Working aged (20-69), Thailand, 2004. Mastekaasa (1986): study NO 1985 Relative Deprivation in Social Networks. 16-66 aged general public, Norway, 1985 Lounsbury et al. (2004): study ZZ Developed nations 2002 Personality, Career Satisfaction, and Life Satisfaction: Test of a Directional Model. Librarians and information science professionals, developed nations, 2002 Guo & Shu (2009): study CN 2006 /1 The Perception of Well-Being and Social Harmony in China. 20-69 aged general public, China, 2006 Kainulainen et al. (2018): study FI 2012 /1 Life-Satisfaction is More a Matter of Feeling Well Than Having What You Want. Tests of Veenhoven's Theory 20-64 aged, Finland, 2012 Yeh et al. (2015): study TW 2009 Self-Evaluation Affects Subjective Well-Being: The Effects of Socioeconomic Status and Personality in Taiwan Working age public, Taiwan, 2009 Dagenais-Desmarais & Savoie (2012): study CA Quebec 2011 What is Psychological Well-Being, Really? A Grassroots Approach from the Organizational Sciences. French-speaking workers, Québec, Canada, 2011 Inoguchi & Fujii (2013): study HK 2006 The Quality of Life in Asia. A Comparison of Quality of Life in Asia Working aged (20-69), Hong Kong, 2006 Niimi (2018): study JP 2013 What Affects Happiness Inequality? Evidence from Japan. 20-69 aged, general public, Japan, 2013 Kainulainen et al. (2018): study FI 2012 Life-Satisfaction is More a Matter of Feeling Well Than Having What You Want. Tests of Veenhoven's Theory 20-64 aged, Finland, 2016 Inoguchi & Fujii (2013): study JP 2003 The Quality of Life in Asia. A Comparison of Quality of Life in Asia Working aged (20-69), Japan, 2003-2008 Inoguchi & Fujii (2013): study KR 2003 The Quality of Life in Asia. A Comparison of Quality of Life in Asia Working aged (20-69), South Korea, 2003-2008 Inoguchi & Fujii (2013): study TW 2003 The Quality of Life in Asia. A Comparison of Quality of Life in Asia Working aged (20-69), Taiwan, 2003-2008 Inoguchi & Fujii (2013): study BN 2003 The Quality of Life in Asia. A Comparison of Quality of Life in Asia Working aged (20-69), Brunei, 2003-2008 Inoguchi & Fujii (2013): study KH 2003 The Quality of Life in Asia. A Comparison of Quality of Life in Asia Working aged (20-69), Cambodia, 2003-2008 Inoguchi & Fujii (2013): study ID 2003 The Quality of Life in Asia. A Comparison of Quality of Life in Asia Working aged (20-69), Indonesia, 2003-2008 Inoguchi & Fujii (2013): study LA 2003 The Quality of Life in Asia. A Comparison of Quality of Life in Asia Working aged (20-69), Laos, 2003-2008 Inoguchi & Fujii (2013): study MY 2003 The Quality of Life in Asia. A Comparison of Quality of Life in Asia Working aged (20-69), Malaysia, 2003-2008 Inoguchi & Fujii (2013): study MM 2003 The Quality of Life in Asia. A Comparison of Quality of Life in Asia Working aged (20-69), Myanmar, 2003-2008 Inoguchi & Fujii (2013): study PH 2003 The Quality of Life in Asia. A Comparison of Quality of Life in Asia Working aged (20-69), Philippines, 2003-2008 Inoguchi & Fujii (2013): study SG 2003 The Quality of Life in Asia. A Comparison of Quality of Life in Asia Working aged (20-69), Singapore, 2003-2008 Inoguchi & Fujii (2013): study TH 2003 The Quality of Life in Asia. A Comparison of Quality of Life in Asia Working aged (20-69), Thailand, 2003-2008 Inoguchi & Fujii (2013): study VN 2003 The Quality of Life in Asia. A Comparison of Quality of Life in Asia Working aged (20-69), Vietnam, 2003-2008 Inoguchi & Fujii (2013): study IN 2003 The Quality of Life in Asia. A Comparison of Quality of Life in Asia Working aged (20-69), India, 2003-2008 Inoguchi & Fujii (2013): study BD 2003 The Quality of Life in Asia. A Comparison of Quality of Life in Asia Working aged (20-69), Bangladesh, 2003-2008 Inoguchi & Fujii (2013): study BT 2003 The Quality of Life in Asia. A Comparison of Quality of Life in Asia Working aged (20-69), Buthan, 2003-2008 Inoguchi & Fujii (2013): study MV 2003 The Quality of Life in Asia. A Comparison of Quality of Life in Asia Working aged (20-69), Maldives, 2003-2008 Inoguchi & Fujii (2013): study NP 2003 The Quality of Life in Asia. A Comparison of Quality of Life in Asia Working aged (20-69), Nepal, 2003-2008 Inoguchi & Fujii (2013): study PK 2003 The Quality of Life in Asia. A Comparison of Quality of Life in Asia Working aged (20-69), Pakistan, 2003-2008 Inoguchi & Fujii (2013): study LK 2003 The Quality of Life in Asia. A Comparison of Quality of Life in Asia Working aged (20-69), Sri Lanka, 2003-2008 Inoguchi & Fujii (2013): study AF 2003 The Quality of Life in Asia. A Comparison of Quality of Life in Asia Working aged (20-69), Afghanistan, 2003-2008 Inoguchi & Fujii (2013): study KZ 2003 The Quality of Life in Asia. A Comparison of Quality of Life in Asia Working aged (20-69), Kazakhstan, 2003-2008 Inoguchi & Fujii (2013): study KG 2003 The Quality of Life in Asia. A Comparison of Quality of Life in Asia Working aged (20-69), Kyrgyzstan, 2003-2008 Inoguchi & Fujii (2013): study MN 2003 The Quality of Life in Asia. A Comparison of Quality of Life in Asia Working aged (20-69), Mongolia, 2003-2008 Inoguchi & Fujii (2013): study TJ 2003 The Quality of Life in Asia. A Comparison of Quality of Life in Asia Working aged (20-69), Tajikistan, 2003-2008 Inoguchi & Fujii (2013): study UZ 2003 The Quality of Life in Asia. A Comparison of Quality of Life in Asia Working aged (20-69), Uzbekistan, 2003-2008 Ip & Cheung (2014): study TW 2007 Probing Folk Happiness in Taiwan. General public, aged 18-65, Taiwan, 2007 Bargain & Zeldan (2014a): study ID 2007 Stature, Skills and Adult Life Outcomes: Evidence from Indonesia. 25-65 aged males, Indonesia, 2007 Akee et al. (2018): study CN 2008 Unintended Consequences of China’s New Labor Contract Law on Unemployment and Welfare Loss of the Workers 18 to 60 age, working age urban population, China, 2008 Ahn (2005): study ES 1999 Factors Affecting Life Satisfaction among Spanish Workers: Relative Importance of Wage and Other Factors. Working people, Spain, 1999 -2003 Binder & Coad (2016): study DE 1997 How Satisfied are the Self-Employed? A Life Domain View. Working aged people, Germany, 1997-2010 Ahn (2007): study ES 1999 Value of Intangible Job Characteristics in Workers’ Job and Life Satisfaction: How Much Are They Worth? Working people, Spain, 1999-2004 Helliwell & Huang (2008): study CA 2002 Well-Being and Trust in the Workplace. Working population, Canada, 2002 - 2003 Helliwell & Huang (2008): study CA 2003 Well-Being and Trust in the Workplace. Working population, Canada, 2003 Helliwell & Huang (2008): study US 2001 Well-Being and Trust in the Workplace. Working population, USA, 2001 Zoch et al. (2021): study DE 2020 Gender Differences in Reduced Well-being during the COVID-19 Pandemic - the Role of Working Conditions Working population, Germany, during first months of corona pandemic, 2020 Merino & Privado (2015): study ES 2012 Does Employee Recognition Affect Positive Psychological Functioning and Well-Being? Working population, Spain, 2012 Lambert et al. (2010a): study US 2009 The Relationship among distributive and procedural Justice and correctional Life Satisfaction, Burnout, and turnover Intent: an exploratory Study. Working population, USA, 2009 Avery (2010): study US 2005 Investigating the Racioethnic Differences in the Link Between Workplace Racioethnic Dissimilarity and Life Satisfaction. Working population, USA, 2005 Seiler Zimmermann & Wanzenried (2019): study CH 2017 Do Management Jobs Make Women Happier as Well? Empirical Evidence for Switzerland Working population, Switzerland, 2017 Carleton & Kelly (2016): study US 2006 Exploring Job Satisfaction and Happiness for those in Alternative Work Arrangements. Working population, USA, 2006-2014 Grogan & Summerfield (2014): study RU 2006 Government Transfers, Work and Occupational Identity: Evidence from the Russian Old-Age Pension. 46-59 aged women and 51-64 aged men, Russia, followed 5 years, 2006-2011 Sohier (2019): study ZZ EU 9 2006 Do Involuntary Longer Working Careers Reduce Well-being? 50-70 aged adults, 9 nations, followed 7 years, 2006-2013 Gülal & Adam (2018): study DE 2012 The Impact of Minimum Wages on Well-Being: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment in Germany. 18-65 aged working people, Germany followed 4 years 2014-2016 Ding (2017): study CN 2011 Personal Life Satisfaction of China's Rural Elderly: Effect of the New Rural Pension Programme 45+ aged, rural hukou, China, 2011 Hamermesh et al. (2014): study JP 1984 Does Labor Legislation Benefit Workers? 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Managers, United States, followed 16 working days, 1996 Sasaki (2016): study JP 2014 Do Japanese Citizens Move to Rural Areas Seeking a Slower Life? Differences between Rural and Urban Areas in Subjective Well-Being. 20-64 aged general public, Japan, 2014 Cai & Wang (2018): study CN 2010 Less Advantaged, More Pptimistic? 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