
Perceived attributes of good leaders in nations

CharismaticGLOBE: opinions middle managers. Second order dimension involving: visionary, inspirational, selfsacrifice, integrity, decisive, performance oriented.1990sGoodLeaderChar_90s57DenHartog 1999: table 5
Team orientedGLOBE: opinions middle managers. Second order factor involving: collaborative team orientation, team integrator, diplomatic, non-malevolent, administratively competent.1990sGoodLeaderTeam_90s57DenHartog 1999: table 5
Self-protectiveGLOBE: opinions middle managers. Second order factor involving: self-centred, status conscious, conflict inducer, face saver, procedural.1990sGoodLeaderSelf_90s57DenHartog 1999: table 5
ParticipativeGLOBE: opinions middle managers. Second order factor involving: non-autocratic, participative, delegator.1990sGoodLeaderParticip_90s57DenHartog 1999: table 5
HumaneGLOBE: opinions middle managers. Second order factor involving: modest, humane orientation.1990sGoodLeaderHumane_90s57DenHartog 1999: table 5
AutonomousGLOBE: opinions middle managers. Second order factor involving: individualistic, independent, autonomous, unique.1990sGoodLeaderAutonome_90s57DenHartog 1999: table 5

Related topics: Work Values, Economic Values
Related themes: Economy, Work

The dataset States of Nations is about characteristics of countries in periods (macro variables). It is part of the World Database of Happiness. Developed for the identification of societal conditions for happiness, the source can also be used for other purposes.