
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » SUMMED EFFECTS » Summed effects of individual conditions (micro level) » Summed effects of current individual conditions (micro level) » Summed socio-demographic + environmental factors

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SUMMED EFFECTS Summed effects of individual conditions (micro level) Summed effects of current individual conditions (micro level) Summed socio-demographic + environmental factors
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List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Joint effects 18+ aged, general public, USA, 1973-1974 not named Highschool pupils, rural area, followed 25 years, Pennsylvania, USA, 1946-71 Joint effects 15-64 aged, general public, Norway, 1971 Joint effects Adults, general public, Norway, 1981 Joint effects 18-79 aged, general public, Norway, 1982 Farm structure and individual characteristics Farm operators, Alabama, USA, 1981 Total Variance 65+aged, Britain, 2000-2001 Summed effects 16+ aged, recently fallen unemployed, Germany, 2007-2008 Combined effects of housing and demographics Home buyers and controls, Baltimore, USA, followed 18 months 1992-93 Total Variants 65+aged Chinese migrants, Calgary, Canada, 2007 R-squared 19+ aged couples, United States, followed 6 years, 1987-1994 Summed determinants 15+ aged, general public, Europe, 2013 Summed effects 20+ aged general public, South Africa, 2008 Adjusted R square Inhabitants of more and less planned areas, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam, 2013 Summed effect +18 aged, metropolitan areas in 5 OECD nations, 2011 R square 55-69 aged men, USA, followed 5 years, 1976-1981