
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » RELIGION » Development of religion » Change in religion

Classification path
RELIGION Development of religion Change in religion
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religious dropout, advance, alteration, decline, modification, shift, switch, transformation, turn

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Religious identification College seniors, USA, 1961 Attending religious services more often 62-89 aged females, followed 4 years, USA, 1967-71 Change in importanceof religion Recently widowed miner`s wives and controls,USA, 1972 Agree with beliefs taught 65+ aged, general public, Ontario Canada, 1982 Church activity 18+ aged Blacks, USA, followed 1979 to 1992 Reading religious books 18+ aged Blacks, USA, followed 1979 to 1992 Listening to religious TV/Radio 18+ aged Blacks, USA, followed 1979 to 1992 Prayer 18+ aged Blacks, USA, followed 1979 to 1992 Asking for prayer 18+ aged Blacks, USA, followed 1979 to 1992 Subjective religiosity 18+ aged Blacks, USA, followed 1979 to 1992 Attending church, religious events 16+ aged, general public, West Germany, Germany, followed 5 years, 2000-2004 Change in religious activity 18+ aged general public, Germany, followed 15 years, 1990 - 2005