
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » PROBLEMS » Current problems » Amount of problems perceived

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PROBLEMS Current problems Amount of problems perceived
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problem load

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Psycho-social burdens 15-60 aged, general public, followed 12 month, The Netherlands, 1967-77 Adult stress Adults, general public, Alameda County, USA, 1965 Stress University students, Switzerland, 1998. Number of problems 16+ aged, general public, Russia, 1993 Number of chronic problems Physicians, California, USA, 1984 Acculturative stress Russian Diaspora migrants, Russia to Finland, followed 4 years, 2008-2013 Stressful events Elderly immigrants, Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America, 1999 Total problems Single mothers, low income, Washington, USA, 1983