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Correlational Subjects » POLITICAL BEHAVIOUR » Current political behavior » Political (party) preference » Preference for: left vs right wing

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POLITICAL BEHAVIOUR Current political behavior Political (party) preference Preference for: left vs right wing
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conservative, progressive

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Self-characterized political preference 18+ aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1981 Self-characterized political preference 18+ aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1979 Right-wing politicalpreference 18+ aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1987 Self-rated politicalpreference 18+ aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1988 Self perceived political orientation 16+ aged, general public, Austria, 1984 Left-right 14+ aged, general public, Austria, 1985 conservative ideology 18+ aged, general public, 70 nations, 1997-2000 Political orientation Voters, before and after presidential election, USA, 2000 Right-wing orientation Voters, USA, 1995 Ideological preferences 18+ aged, general public, 12 European nations, 1990-2000 Right (vs left) 15+ aged Europeans, Europe. 2010/2011 Political preference 18+ aged women, Northern Cyprus, 2011 Personality trait 'progressive' General public, Flanders, Belgium, 2011+ 2012 Left voter 14+ aged general public, Switserland, followed 12 years 1999-2012 Political-right 18+ aged, general public, 33 nations, followed 1989 - 2012 Political preference Adult general public, Frisia, Netherlands, 1994