
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » NATION: LIVABILITY (fit with human needs/capacities) » Current livability of nation » Apparent average livability in nation » Inequality of apparent livability in nation

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NATION: LIVABILITY (fit with human needs/capacities) Current livability of nation Apparent average livability in nation Inequality of apparent livability in nation
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List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Purchasing power per head Adults, general public, 90 nations, 1990s 1997 purchasing power p/c 15+ aged, general public, EU 14 member states, 1973-2001 Inequality in life satisfaction 18+ aged, general public, 36 nations, 2006-2015 Inequality in life satisfaction 18+ aged, general public, 160 nations, 2008-2014 Income inequality 18+ aged, general public, 160 nations, 2008-2014 GINI Life Satisfaction 15+ aged, general public, 164 nations, 2005-2013