
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » NATION: ATTITUDES TO ONE'S NATION » Current attitudes to nation » Identification with nation

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NATION: ATTITUDES TO ONE'S NATION Current attitudes to nation Identification with nation
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identification with nation, national identity

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding National pride 18+ aged, general public, 15 developed nations, 1981-82 Nationalism 20-69 aged, general public, China, 2006 Part of the chinese natinon 18-75 aged, general public, China, 2012-13 Feeling of identity 21-65 aged, commuters from Slowakia, Tsjechia and Hungary, 2012-2013 Feel to belong to nation (NZ) 15+ aged, general public, New Zealand, 2008 - 2012 Identification with the country 18+ aged general public, Romania, 2005 Heritage culture identity 54+ aged immigrants , Queensland, Australia, 2017 Australian identity 54+ aged immigrants , Queensland, Australia, 2017