
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » MOOD » Current mood » Current typical moods » Feeling secure (vs threatened)

Classification path
MOOD Current mood Current typical moods Feeling secure (vs threatened)
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Related special publics
current anxiety, feeling anxious, inferiority, safety, perceived safety, feelings of security, psychological reactions

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Satisfaction with safety 18+ aged, general public, USA, 1972-1973 Feeling uneasy 20+ aged, general public, Puerto Rico, 1963-1964 Feelings of crisis 40+ aged male managers, Bell Telephone Company, 1956-1980 Anxious University students, USA, followed 28 days, 199? Afraid University students, USA, followed 28 days, 199? Anxiety Army recruits, Norway,199? Anxiety 18-65 aged, Victoria, Australia, followed 1981 to 1987 Anxiety 18+ aged, general public, Victoria, Australia, 1981-1989 Satisfaction with Feelings of physical safety 18+aged, general public, Croatia, 2003 State Anxiety 25-65 aged, 5 regions, Finland, 1997 Free floating anxiety University Students, UK, 1994 Somatic anxiety University Students, UK, 1994 Threat minimization Cancer patients, followed 6 months after onset, Trier, 198? Feelings of unsafety aged 18+, Netherlands, 2009 Safety Students, Taiwan, 200? Anxiety level Elderly, United States, 2011 Perception of safety 18+ aged, general public, urban areas, Turkey, 2013 Feeling safe at school Students aged from 10 to14 years, Chile three cities,201? worried 18+ aged, general public, Germany, 2010 Malaise Adults, general public, Kazakhstan, 2010 Malaise Adults, general public, Armenia 2001 Malaise Adults, general public, Kazakhstan 2001 Malaise Adults, general public, Kyrgyzstan 2001 Feel yourself safe on the street Schoolchildren and teenagers, Kazakhstan 2021 Feel yourself safe at home Schoolchildren and teenagers, Kazakhstan 2021