
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » MOOD » Current mood » Current typical moods » Feeling cheerful (vs gloomy) » Feeling elated (vs not)

Classification path
MOOD Current mood Current typical moods Feeling cheerful (vs gloomy) Feeling elated (vs not)
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current mood

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Pleasure involvement 18+ aged, general public, Stirling County, Canada, 1963-1968 Enhancement 21+ aged, general public, Metro Manila, Philippines, 1972 Joy Breast cancer patients, first recurrence cases, Eastern USA, 1979 Positive affect Single males and couples Baltimore USA, followed 7 years, 1979-86 Positive affect Steel workers, 6 months after closure of plant, Manchester, UK, 1976