
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » LOCAL: SOCIETY » Current characteristics of local society » Local social cohesion

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LOCAL: SOCIETY Current characteristics of local society Local social cohesion
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Related special publics
attitudes to local environment, contact intensive housing, discrimination in neighborhood, community-morale, contact-climate in neighborhood

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Satisfaction with feeling part of community 18+ aged, general public, Australia, 2003 Satisfaction with community Adults, general public, City of Bogotá, Colombia, 2006 Feels not part of community Prostitutes and prostitute's clients, Yunnan, China, 2003, Thailand, 2007 Satisfaction with community 18+ aged, students, USA, 199? Moves out of neighbourhood 17+ aged general public, Germany, followed 7 years, 2000-2006 Neighbourhood characteristic: People moving out 17+ aged, general public, Germany, 2004 Removal rate 17+ aged, general public, Germany, followed 7 years 2000-2006 Pleasant relationship in neighborhood aged 18+, Netherlands, 2009 Local status 45+ aged general public, South East Queensland, Australia, 2000-2001 Land dispute Working aged (15-65), Albania, 2005 Community_organization Working aged (15-65), Albania, 2005 Togetherness Adults, age range not rpeorted, Bhutan, 2012 Community support Single mothers, low income, Washington, USA, 1983 Sense of community 60+aged Chinese migrants, Chicago, USA, 2011 - 2013