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Correlational Subjects » LIFE APPRAISALS: OTHER THAN HAPPINESS » Life-adjustment inventories » Psychological-morale inventories

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LIFE APPRAISALS: OTHER THAN HAPPINESS Life-adjustment inventories Psychological-morale inventories
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List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Positive inner well-being Secondary school pupils, The Netherlands, 197? Negative inner well-being Secondary school pupils, The Netherlands, 197? Zest 21+ aged, general public, USA, 1976 General well-being 18+ aged, general public, New Zealand, 198? Satisfaction brought by life Adult women, France, 1975 Satisfactions other than life satisfaction Adult, general public, Western New York State, USA, 1975 view of positive life 31-33 aged, Denmark 1993, born in University Hospital in Copenhagen Total score 18+aged, overweight, USA, 199?. Psychological domain Elderly living in long-term care settings, Taiwan 2000 Well-being Heart patients, The Netherlands 1978-1979 Quality of Life Adults, general public, South Africa, 2004