
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » LIFE APPRAISALS: OTHER THAN HAPPINESS » Life-adjustment inventories » Flourishing scales

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LIFE APPRAISALS: OTHER THAN HAPPINESS Life-adjustment inventories Flourishing scales
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eudaimonic happiness, positive mental health, thriving

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Eudaimonic happiness 18+ aged, general public, Portugal, 2015 Flourishing Scale Users of a happiness app and controls, followed 9 weeks. Germany 2014 Psychological wellbeing Employee well-being trainees and controls, Melbourne, Australia, 200? Fullfiment Index 18-46 aged undergraduate psychology students, Nerherlands, 198? Sense of fulfilment: Life Regard Index Fulfillment 18-42 aged mental patients,before and after psychotherapy, Netherlands, 199?