
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » HOUSEHOLD: WORK » Current household-work » Involvement with household work » Time spend on household-work

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HOUSEHOLD: WORK Current household-work Involvement with household work Time spend on household-work
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List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Amount of time spenton housework Married couples, middle aged, middle-class, USA, 1952-53 Living situation 23-59 aged English speaking, Toronto and Ontario, Canada, 198? Household and caretime 18+ aged, general public, The Netherlands, 2001 Housework hours 16+ aged, general public, UK, followed 12 years 1996-2007 Household work 14-69 aged, Germany, 2011 Hours of domestic work Dual earner couples, Italy, 2002-2003 Division of household labor Housewives whose husbands had retired within past two years. USA, 197? Housework Mothers, Utah, USA, 1987 - 1988