
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » HEALTH: PSYCHOLOGICAL TREATMENT » Current psychological treatment » Treatment for mental disorder (clinical psychology, psychiatry) » Being in treatment for mental disorder (vs not)

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HEALTH: PSYCHOLOGICAL TREATMENT Current psychological treatment Treatment for mental disorder (clinical psychology, psychiatry) Being in treatment for mental disorder (vs not)
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mental health care

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Mental illness 60+ aged, psychiatric cases and controls, San Fransisco, USA, 1962 Mental health 60+ aged, psychiatric cases and controls, Los Angeles, USA, 1971 Client status Mental patients shortly after change in institutional setting, USA, 1981 Psychiatric morbidity_A Married couples with high incidence of minor psychiatric problems, London, U.K., 1977 Consultation: mental health Catholic nuns, re-organized cloister, followed 4 years, Louisiana, USA, 1977-1981 Mental disturbances 20+ aged, general public, Puerto Rico, 1963-1964 Health 18+ aged, general public, Australia, 2004 Consulted psychiatrist or psychologist in past year University students, Switzerland, 1998. Mental illness Students and mental patients, USA 199? Type of psychiatric treatment recieved 20-70 aged, chronic mental patients, USA, 1989 Participated in Mental illness /chemical abuse groups 20-70 Chronic mental patients, USA, 1989, patients vs normals Female mental patients and controls, USA, 1967 Psycho-therapy 40-50 aged, female therapy clients, followed 4 weeks, USA 196?