
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » HEALTH: PHYSICAL » Current disease (who icd-10 classification) » Diseases of circulatory system (i00-99)

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HEALTH: PHYSICAL Current disease (who icd-10 classification) Diseases of circulatory system (i00-99)
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heart condition

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Severity of initial heart attack White males, heart-attack survivors, Durham, North-Carolina, USA, 1970 Heart disease Heart patients and healthy controls, The Netherlands, 197? Revacculation Revascularization patients, Europe, followed 1 year 1988-1989 High blood pressure Female, aged 50-69, United Kingdom, 1996-2001 Hazard of coronory heart disease Employees of a firm, age 35-55, London, United Kingdom, 1985-1990 Circulatory diseases 15+ aged general public, Arkhangelsk, Russia, 2000 Prevalent myocardial infarction 35-65 aged, general population, Germany, followed 4 years1994-2008