
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » HAPPINESS: DISPERSION OF HAPPINESS » Current inequality of happiness » Inequality of happiness in places » Inequality of happiness in nations

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HAPPINESS: DISPERSION OF HAPPINESS Current inequality of happiness Inequality of happiness in places Inequality of happiness in nations
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List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Inequality of happininess in nations 18+ aged, general public, 78 nations, 1991-2001 Standard deviation in life satisfaction 18+ aged, general public, 33 European nations, 1999-2000 Trend inequality in happiness 1973-1996 Adults, general public, EU 12 member states, 1973-1996 Inequality of happiness Adults, general public, EU 12 member states, 1973-1996 Disparity in happiness Adults, general public, 67 nations, 1990s Change in inequality in happiness and social security Adults, general public, 15 nations 1980, 39 nations 1990 Purchasing power per head Adults, general public, 90 nations, 1990s Trend in dispersion of life-satisfaction 15+ aged, general public, EU 14 member states, 1973-2001 1997 purchasing power p/c 15+ aged, general public, EU 14 member states, 1973-2001 Income inequality Adults, general public, 119 countries, 2000-2006 Minority vs Majority 55+aged Turkish migrants, Copenhagen, Denmark, 199? GINI Life Satisfaction 15+ aged, general public, 164 nations, 2005-2013