
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » HANDICAP » Current handicap » Kind of handicap » Physical handicap

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HANDICAP Current handicap Kind of handicap Physical handicap
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being handicapped

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Being an accident victim Lottery winners, paralyzed accident victims, and controls, Illinois USA, 1977 Presence of physicalhandicap Handicapped and controls Detroit, USA,197? Bodily defect Handicapped and controls Detroit, USA,197? Disabled 40+ aged, spinal-cord-injured, non-institutionalised, Portland Oregon, USA, 198? Permanent physical limitations 18-65 aged, Netherlands, 2003 Type of disablility Disabled, Canada, 1991 Disabled and non-disabled Post-polio and Spinal cord injury and controls, California, USA 199? Severity of disability Spinal Cord Injury, Swedish, 198?