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Correlational Subjects » ETHNICITY » Current ethnicity » Ethnic status in specific nations » Ethnic status in Australia

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ETHNICITY Current ethnicity Ethnic status in specific nations Ethnic status in Australia
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List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Country of settlement vs country of origin 16 + aged, general public, Australia, 1981 Country of settlement vs country of origin 16+ aged, general public, Australia, 1984 Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander 15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001 Aboriginal identity 45+ aged general public, South East Queensland, Australia, 2000-2001 Immigrant 45+ aged general public, South East Queensland, Australia, 2000-2001 Indiginous 18+ aged general public, Australia, followed 4 years 2001-2005 Indigenous 15+ aged general public Australia 2008 Heritage group membership 54+ aged immigrants , Queensland, Australia, 2017